Stranger in My Bed

Date: 9/13/2020

By leusid

I was sleeping on the floor next to my bunk bed in my bedroom, most similar to my childhood bedroom at the Old Stomping Grounds. After a while, I realized there was some strange man sleeping in my the bed, like he'd just snuck in from off the street. I was understandably alarmed by this, but somehow I tried to remain chill. I somehow ended up talking to this guy, we were having a pretty nice chat, I don't remember what about. I felt like we'd gained trust in each other, and I decided to ask him, "hey by the way, out of curiosity just so I can be aware going forward: how did you get in here?" He got rather quiet and said something like "maybe we can talk about that in the morning, I've gotta get some sleep." I wondered if I'd offended him, I felt a bit scared like can I really truly trust this guy? After a bit I realized I wanted to go sleep in Meagh's room instead, that sounded more comforting, so I gathered up my bedding and walked out the door, which was in the opposite corner from where my bedroom door would have been at the OSG (the bedroom was also smaller, probably like the size of the little room I lived in in Seattle). I walked down the hall and rounded a right corner to get to the door to Meagh's room. I put my bedding on the floor next to her bed, but I'd only been able to grab half of it, so I had to go back. The guy was still snoring, he was a pretty heavy sleeper and I wasn't even trying to be that quiet. I grabbed what was basically like one of those loungey lawn chairs that I'd apparently been sleeping on and carefully carried it out the door and down the hall to Meagh's room. She's a heavy sleeper too, but she woke up. She wanted to know what I was doing there, so I told her about the guy in my bed, and she was like what??? I was like yeah there's a random guy somehow sleeping in my bed, but idk... She was understandably concerned, moreso than me. Somehow I ended up going back in to my room to sleep after all. Right as I'd finally gotten all settled and ready for sleep, some cops walked in the room and were like is that him? Meagh was apparently with them, I think my mom was too? I felt guilty, like I'd betrayed this guy's trust, but also a bit relieved. I think the cops just took him away. After that I felt like I needed to go sleep in the old van in the garage, also basically the garage at the OSG. I put my bedding in there and was about to climb in, but then I was like what if there's somebody in here too? I yelled into the back seats, then went around back and opened the back hatch door thing and found a bunch of like blankets and clothes and pillows? soft shit, and I wondered if someone was sleeping in there, so for some reason to check I just decided to stomp my foot right into the middle of the pile. There was nobody there. I closed the door and looked around my garage, wondering if there was somebody somewhere else in there. I felt very overwhelmed and frustrated that I couldn't trust that there weren't just random people everywhere. I might have even screamed in frustration?