Digital art 4k scene from a movie: Generate an image of Saeyoung with seafoam green hair, wearing a seafoam green wig and black full body suit, sneaking onto a stage during a production, with the observer watching from a rectangular cutout in the wall.


Date: 4/4/2019

By blucanary

~I was friends with Saeyoung from my game. He was real. We were going to watch a production of some sort (it was kinda like a large high school choir/play thing). ~When we arrived we went to a spot where no one else cd see us but where we cd still see the play. I knew how bad he wanted to be a part of the show (even though he wasnt a part of the class or anything) so when we were up there and alone, I told him to close his eyes bc I had a surprise for him. When his eyes were closed I pulled out a can of seafoam green aerosol spray. He opened his eyes and was so excited! He knew this meant I was dressing him up like the students and he cd sneak on stage and be a part of the show! ~We sprayed his red hair and it covered it all beautifully! Then I took out a seafoam green wig. I wondered why we were spraying his hair if he was going to wear a wig but once we put the wig on I understood. A bit of the back still showed even with the wig on, so this way *all* his hair was covered! It would have lookwd silly if most of his hair was seafoam green except a large section of the back which was bright red! Lol! ~ Then he put on a black full body suit (covered *everything* but his eyes!) So all you could really see was this bright beautiful seafoam green hair! He was so excited and ran downstairs to sneak onto the stage! ~ The room I was watching in was a regular sized room, completely concrete, and 100% empty. Nothing except the rectangular cutout in the wall looking down onto the stage. ~ I remember thinking that he was going to ask me afterward if I enjoyed the show and if he was good. For a half-second I thought "how wd I even distinguish him from all the others when they're all wearing green wigs and black body suits?" But then I realized who I was thinking abt. It was Saeyoung. He wd *definitely* let me know it was him somehow. He was going to stand out, for sure! Probably something like when everyone was in form (rows of them all standing together in lines so it looked as though the seafoam green plants were underwater and moving with the oceans current) he would run to the front of the stage and dance around all silly like. So there was no way I could lie and say I watched it when I hadnt. I was going to have to really stand up here alone and watch the show. Lol. ~ For the most part this is all of the dream. I remember being so in love with him though. I remember *feeling* that love! And after the show I was going to tell him how I felt about him! ~ I also remember being worried that after he stood out, one of the teachers or whatever wd find out that he wasnt suppose to be in the show to begin with, that he wasnt even a student. I tried to think of a way he cd get out of it. If the teachers or someone started coming for him, he cd run. While running he cd hide real quock and slip off his body suit and throw reg. clothes back on. But then I reized his hair wd still be seafoam green bc we sprayed it! So I thought, "I KNOW! He cd just act like a fan! He sprayed his hair to support the actors! I then pictured the teachers (whom I pictured more like rough and burly cops) not believing him and grabbing him by the shoulder of his shirt and beginning to 'take him away'. That's when I wd appear and yell at them! I wd say that Saeyoung was my mentally retarded ward, and he lives for shows like this! Dressing up to support the cast is what he lives for and how DARE they treat the mentally handicapped so appallingly! That wd get him out of trouble and we wd walk away scot-free.

AI generated interpretation This dream seems to reflect a desire for creative expression and a sense of camaraderie and connection with a fictional character. Saeyoung represents a figure from your game with whom you have built a strong bond and connection. The act of helping him sneak into the production and disguise himself symbolizes a desire to engage in activities that may be unconventional or outside the norm, breaking free from restrictions and rules. This could signify a longing for adventure, excitement, and spontaneity in your waking life. The seafoam green color and the act of spray painting his hair may symbolize a desire for transformation, self-expression, and standing out from the crowd. The wig and black body suit represent a form of disguise, possibly highlighting a desire to explore different aspects of yourself or to embrace your own uniqueness without fear of judgment. Your worry about potential consequences, such as getting caught by authorities or being judged, suggests a fear of being misunderstood or not accepted for who you truly are. The idea of portraying Saeyoung as mentally handicapped to save him from trouble may indicate a desire to protect others, stand up for what you believe in, and find a way to navigate difficult situations with creativity and resourcefulness. Overall, this dream may reflect a longing for freedom, self-expression, and connection with others, as well as a willingness to go to great lengths to preserve relationships and protect those you care about. It may also symbolize a need to break free from constraints and embrace your true self and desires.