
Date: 10/23/2020

By Emile

It started with a giant feast inside a living/dining room. The mood was somber and everyone was cautious, trying not to be too loud. The feast consisted of a variety of foods that appeared strange to me in both combination and presentation. Everyone in the room also seemed sad, but I did not know why. My oldest brother was there and he was quite upset. He was busy arguing with my father because I didn't contribute to the feast, but I remember bringing cone shaped cakes to add to the obscene feast. The house we were in was actually a type of bunker, but it appeared to be a full scale underground house if anything; it looked both ancient and modern. It was located in the wall of a quarry-like hole and was one of many houses surrounding the center of it (at this point I was unaware of the information just mentioned). Instead of taking the shape of a square, the house was more dome shaped. During the feast, there was a giant explosion outside the bunker hatch and judging by the sound, it appeared as if a war had broken out. I was not aware that a war was imminent as no information was given to me. But my father directed the guests and myself to a different room to put on kevlar and grab an automatic rifle. We also wore radiation/fire resistant aprons. At this point I feared that we were at war with someone. The group proceeded out of the hatch, weapon in hand, and I was about to follow when I realized that we weren't fighting in a war, we were protecting our bunker from people trying to get into it. There was an apocalypse coming and only a select few of the wealthy could afford one. At this point, everyone except for me was outside and I was heading up the ladder as well. Suddenly, three black men entered my line of sight as I was still heading up the ladder, so I could only see their feet and legs through the hole. I noticed they were going to attack my father, so I loaded my gun and started firing at the from underneath. Now injured, all three of them fell into the bunker. I immediately started to reload as I wanted to fire again or at least be ready. They were trying to ask me not to kill them, but I didn't trust them. At that point I realized I had more weapons attached to my kevlar, two hand guns. One of them shot pellets and the other one shot bullets. After failing to reload the automatic rifle, I immediately grabbed one of the handguns (turns out it was the pellet gun). I then started firing at them. They said it felt like being stabbed with a shiv they used to make as kids. It was referred to as a "stieker" (stabber), because it was small and was used to stab ("stiek" in Cape colored dialect) each other. The stieker was made by unfolding a paperclip' long end to make a needle-like end and a small handle with the rest. What I noticed as they were speaking was that they all had black skin, but spoke Afrikaans and their facial features resembled Cape colored people instead of black people. They each took out a stieker and stabbed each other and as they were pretending to stab me, I told them that mine hurts more and continued to shoot. After a short while, I stopped and rushed up the ladder and out of the bunker in order to escape. When I reached the outside, I saw that the entire world around me was on fire as far as I could see. There were also thousands of corpses scattered across the landscape. I also noticed my father was lying on the ground near the entrance of the bunker. I noted that he had already died. The three black men followed me up the ladder and they were outside as well, trying to attack me. Suddenly, a sea of flame came screaming over the landscape in my direction. The sound was similar to a truck slamming on its breaks and people screaming out of pain. I immediately dove down into the bunker, followed by one of the men. I closed the hatch just in time as the flames came rushing over it, incinerating the other two men outside. As I locked the hatch, the man took out his gun. I immediately grabbed the other gun in my kevlar jacket and shot him until he was dead. Time passed by many months/years in what seemed like an instant and I was suddenly alone, lying on my bed inside the bunker. I was under the impression that I had been alone since day one. While sleeping on my bed, I was awoken by a house alarm and I immediately got up and searched for a remote controller to turn it off. After a short moment, the alarm stopped and I contemplated the possibility that I had imagined the sound. I decided to leave it at that. As it was early in the morning, I got up and prepared myself a cup of coffee and as I looked up out of the kitchen window, I noticed that there were many more houses inside this quarry. Light was shining down the center of the hole and birds were flying through the rays of light gleaming in the low hanging fog of the morning air. It was something I had never seen before. It was as if I was living in trauma induced isolation that made me blind to my surroundings. The city looked abandoned and occupied at the same time. I knew I needed to inspect the area and decided to leave through the back door that headed into the quarry. I walked some distance down the pathway leading from my house and made a U-turn into another path heading towards another house. I got up on their roof as it gave me the best vantage point of the quarry and the houses inside. Looking around this mesmerizing scene, I noticed two cats that were playing with each other. As soon as they noticed me, hundreds of cats came climbing out through the cracks. They did not seem aggressive as they were just doing cat things, but they had very vivid colors including purple, yellow, red, green, etc. I turned my attention to the sky and the light at that stage appeared to be diffused by the clouds in the sky. Staring longer at the sky and taking in all my surroundings, I started to see multiple colors shooting through the sky in interesting patterns and hearing sounds that resembled a soft trance music similar to the one in the link below: https://youtu.be/AgcX_dxUGwE?t=31 It felt like I was under the influence of drugs, because of the colors and sounds. I was never scared, but I was severely entranced. The entire experience was rather positive, so I sat there for a moment while staring at the scene. After a short while, I headed back down the roof I was on and towards the pathway that leads to my house. The sun was shining through again, casting rays of light onto the pathway as I was heading home. Halfway up, I heard someone calling out. “Hello!” said a man’s voice from the distance. I got such a big fright that I stopped in my tracks and turned around. I saw an old Asian man coming up the pathway. He was wearing grey/beige colored clothes similar to what a monk would wear and he was wearing a round hat that very closely resembled one that someone on a safari drive would wear. He walked briskly in my direction with his walking stick in hand. As soon as I saw him, I got scared as I haven’t seen another person in such a long time. I could not utter a single word as the moment was too overwhelming. He continued with a simple question, “Do you perhaps listen to music?”. This question threw me off guard, but also pulled me back to reality. I told him “Yes. I do”. “Oh” he said, “may I borrow some of your records?”. I didn’t answer him immediately, because I was trying to figure out why that was his first question. However, I didn’t want to chase him away as he was the first person I had seen since I closed the hatch. “Yes” I said, “is there anything specific you wanted to listen to?” He smiled and said “No. Anything you recommend would surely be fine”. I agreed and turned to head toward my house, telling him to stay there. I did not want him to follow me as I wasn’t sure whether or not I could trust him yet. I almost reached the house when I heard him calling out to someone else. I couldn’t quite make out what he said, but another person came up the walkway with him; it was his wife. I ran back and told them that I would prefer that they didn’t follow me to my house, but they insisted. I ran home and locked the door, listening as they approached. They halted at the table outside and after a moment of silence, I heard music playing from their location. The genre of the music was metal, which was not what I expected to hear at all, so I opened the door and headed towards them. I glanced at the phone they placed on the table that was playing the music and noted that there were Norwegian metal bands listed. The more I listened, the more I realized that the song playing was not Norwegian and I started to hum the song, trying to figure it out as it was playing. She said that I was right, it was the song that was currently playing. I told her that it wasn’t Norwegian. I leaned over again and saw the title of the song. It was The Sound Of Truth - As I Lay Dying and the part that was playing as I saw the title was this one: https://youtu.be/K91qwxCWmrs?t=23 While we were speaking to each other, the music got louder, the conversation muffled and I woke up from my dream.