Time travelling to make cavemen popcorn

Date: 1/5/2019

By macyeet

So I travelled back in time to when we were living as cavemen. I don’t know how I did it. But I was stuck there. A lot of people I knew from church were there. But I was like the leader because I knew a lot about technology. I was determined to remember English when I realized that language probably wasn’t even invented yet so I could just teach the cavemen English. Fast forward and I was trying to make popcorn. One of the church people said “weren’t there only two types of corn?” I said “yeah the Mexican multicolored stuff and then the yellow stuff we probably genetically engineered.” We’re also worried that there’s nobody else like us but I get reassured by someone saying “of course there are other people living like Neanderthals.” This dream turns into my moms birthday party and it’s at this random persons house. I try to look for the food but it’s all in the basement. I told my mom I would get her some but I can’t find any and I wake up before I can get her anything.