Digital art 4k scene from a movie: Identical twins, one a rapist and murderer and the other innocent, working together late at night beneath the pier, a desperate plea for help takes a dark turn.

Murder Beneath the Pier

Date: 9/11/2024

By blucanary

It was late at night, three hours after the stores had closed. Yet I stood in the dark covered forefront of a large department store, the glass double doors locked & black, as there were no lights on within. Every few minutes, I would see two men and a woman quickly moving about in the dark, doing after-hour jobs that needed to be completed before they opened the following day. I contemplated knocking on the glass door and asking to be let in, but I knew they would never allow that. Maybe if they had closed 5 or 10 minutes ago, but not three hours. There was no reason I could give them for being that late that would justify letting me in at this time of night. The two men within the store were tall, with short curly brown hair, a mustache, and each wore a maroon sweater with jeans. I recognized them from the news. Or at least, I recognized one of them from the news. But the two men were identical twins, so I didn't know which was the one the news had warned people about. He was a rapist and murderer. His brother had never, and would never, hurt anyone. As I stood to the right side of the storefront cover, one of the men suddenly came out of the door to the left, quickly locking it back up behind him, and then walking directly past me as he walked to the right, just beyond the covering of the storefront. I questioned myself, wondering which twin he was, the good one or the evil one. He had a very long scar that went from above his left ear, down behind said ear, and all the way down his neck towards his chest. I couldnt remember if the news had said anything about a scar, and so decided to just take my chances and simply ask if there was any way he could let me in the store for a few moments. With his back to me at this point and him walking away, I took a couple steps towards him ( he was only a few steps away from me ), and said, "Excuse me, Sir.." He turned around with a look of pure disgust in his eyes, and before I even knew what was happening, he had his arm around my neck and was dragging me down the sidewalk. This store was on the beach, so he dragged me down to the waterfront and then below the very large pier. The beach was closed at night, so there was nobody around to call to for help. He dragged me into the water with his hand now wrapped around my throat. He dunked me below the water. I knew his plan was to tire me out by almost drowning me, have his way with me while still in the dark waters, and then putting me under one last time - for good. When he brought me up from the waters surface, he let go of my neck. Now without him physically having hold of me, I tried to quickly run further into the water and then swim away from him. But it didn't work. I tried to pretend like I liked him, and just wanted to playfully swim with him. I smiled and flirtatiously laughed. But he wasn't buying it. He grabbed me by one of my legs. After pushing me under the water again, I had no idea if this was the end or if I'd have another opportunity to try to escape. The dream ended focusing in upon my soaking wet face, him blurry in the backdrop behind me...

AI generated interpretation This dream reflects feelings of vulnerability, fear, and powerlessness in a particular situation. The setting of a department store after hours symbolizes a sense of being out of place or unwelcome in a certain environment. The presence of the two men, who are identical twins but with one being labeled as a dangerous criminal, suggests a conflict between trusting someone who appears similar on the outside but may have malicious intentions. The sudden attack and attempted drowning by one of the twins could represent a fear of being overpowered or manipulated by someone in waking life. The water and the pier may symbolize emotional depths and hidden dangers that you are forced to confront. The theme of being dragged into the water and struggling to escape suggests feelings of being overwhelmed or trapped in a difficult situation. Your attempts to pretend to please the attacker in order to escape highlight the instinctual responses to danger and the need to adapt in threatening situations. However, the dream ending with your uncertain fate and the blurry figure of the attacker behind you suggests unresolved feelings of fear and uncertainty lingering in your subconscious mind. Overall, this dream may indicate feelings of anxiety, vulnerability, and a need to assert control in challenging situations. It may be helpful to reflect on any recent experiences or relationships that have evoked similar emotions and consider ways to address and overcome these fears in waking life.