Cave of Murderers

Date: 6/24/2020

By candy303

I was working at a camp or boarding school or something. It was late at night and I was right outside the main building where the kids slept. A little girl opened her window and called out to me, and I came over and stood near her. She asked me, “do you know what Sugar Jaw is?” In the dream Sugar Jaw was a terrible disease, and she said she had it. I agreed to take her to the nurse. We ended up in an area that looked a lot like my house’s upstairs hallway. Where my dad’s bedroom would be was the nurse’s office, but the nurse inside was busy so the girl and I sat on the floor outside and waited. Every time I would shift my position, the girl would copy me and laugh, and we got into a game where I would do really weird things and then she would copy me and we were both laughing really hard. Then we heard someone coming down the hall, and for some reason we were scared of getting caught, so we quickly climbed up a rope ladder that was hanging from the ceiling. At the top of the ladder, we found ourselves in an underground cave (no, that doesn’t make any sense). In the dream I recognized the cave and wasn’t surprised to be in it. It was almost pitch-dark and we were surrounded by dripping rocks. As we were walking forward, the man (there was a man with us now, or maybe a couple, I don’t remember) said, “You know, they say there’s a murderer down here”. I said “if we were in a movie, the murderer would appear as soon as you said that.” Then dramatic orchestral music started playing and the outline of a person appeared in front of us. It was a middle-aged woman with a Karen-type haircut. I suddenly became cold and woke up.