Date: 3/29/2020
By amandalyle
My husband and his mother were about to board a plane. I felt completely beside myself with worry. The world had become a scary place since the Coronavirus and people had lost their homes and were now confined to sleeping in big shipping containers. I wanted to ask him to stay but felt like I shouldn’t. He had important work to do and I needed to be supportive. I looked back at my now FIVE children, all asleep in this huge container. “I can do this.” I said to myself, glumly. Next scene; I found a note on my car. It was addressed to “the girl with the beautiful black eyelashes”... but that’s where the niceties stopped. The rest of the letter was complaining about a service user I support, saying they were noisy and inconsiderate neighbours and if they didn’t pipe down, they were going to take revenge. I screwed it up into a ball and got into my car. Next scene; my daughter was playing up again. She had told me she’d been staying with a friend, but I had found out she’d been staying with this boy. When she got home I started interrogating her. She just smirked and asked if I could give her money to go to LegoLand(?!) I then became enraged. “Do you know how much legoland costs? You haven’t even done your bedroom or your chores!” I shouted. She didn’t really take me serious and ended up walking out again.