Date: 3/21/2019
By KayDeeKay
Hard to explain entire dream, but I rescued myself from a dungeon. Long story short , I'm a character (some elf chick) who has been enslaved by some king. Throughout the dream I encounter this dragon who is used by the king to kill and hunt others. I realize at the end of the dream that I'm actually that dragon, and the elf self is my soul that has been projected from my body in order to rescuse myself from the dungeon and king. So the dream is my soul trying to return to the dragon to be complete. I finally get to the dungeon and I have to convince him who I am and why I'm trying to break him out. It takes a while, but he asks me to come up stage and play guitar with him to prove I am who I am. We have a jam session and he seemed to start to believe that I was another version of him and his soul. The dream ends there where I don't find out if I rescuse him and leave the castle (or merge back with my own body). I get the feeling that we both liked being a dragon and a elf so we might if stayed split in the end.