(Lucid) flying and hanging out with tyler joseph

Date: 2/15/2019

By squidward

i was in new york and i was talking to some guy. i told him “this doesn’t feel real at all. it feels like a dream.” and then i caught myself on that word. i looked at my hand and i had 6 fingers. i became lucid right away. i cant remember everything because this dream was almost an hour long and there was so much to remember. one part of this dream that i cant remember very well was going to space. i was on this planet with nothing on it. i could put whatever i wanted on it. i decided to put flowers all over it, but the flowers looked like they were from bin weevils, so i laughed at them for being ugly and gave up what i do remember was teleporting back to my room. once i got in my room, i was a little bit bored. i couldn’t remember anything i wanted to do. i stood up and teleported myself to my ceiling. i pushed myself off the wall and started to fly around. that was my first time ever flying in a lucid dream and it felt so weird. it was so much fun and a lot easier to do than i thought. i left my room to go and eat a cheeseburger out of boredom again because i wasn’t planning on having a lucid dream and because of that, i didn’t have any fun stuff planned. my mom was standing near the kitchen table. we didn’t speak, but i observed her. the details on her face were so accurate that i felt like she was almost real (i knew she was fake, but still.) the one thing i could say is when i looked into her eyes, her eyes looked so dead and not like real life. it kind of scared me a little bit. okay, a lot. that’s why i said “fuck the cheeseburger” and wanted to leave my house immediately. i went to my front door and i told myself when i opened the door, tyler joseph would be there. i opened the door and there he was. he was wearing those blue pants from that one concert with the black t-shirt. he did look about 20 years older, but i didn’t care. i’ve noticed that when i have lucid dreams, i don’t really have conversations with dream characters, so we didn’t talk at all. once again, i looked at his eyes and they looked so dead. i decided i was just gonna avoid looking into my dream characters eyes. i don’t wanna be afraid of them. btw, if anyone’s reading this and wants a tip, you really should respect your dream characters as silly as it sounds. they’re all representing parts of your mind and if you respect that, i’ve found that its way easier to control your dreams and stay asleep in lucid dreams for longer. we went to the front entrance and i think we just chilled for a little bit. some guy eventually came down the stairs and he was so drunk. he tried to convince me to have sex with him. i said no. he tried to rape me at that point, but then i realized i could just teleport away, so i went back in my room. i double checked if i was still lucid and i did still have 6 fingers. at this point, i was very shocked about how long my dream was. i went to sit on my bed and my mom came in my room. she was very drunk and i didn’t wanna be near her. i said to myself that when i closed my eyes and opened them, she would be gone. i did that like 5 times and it wasn’t working. i stopped and told myself i have to believe it or its not gonna work. i tried again and she teleported back to her room. she tried to come back in, but i locked the door. i sat in front of my hamster and i randomly started counting down (it was involuntary). i knew that once i reached the end, i was gonna wake up. then, whatdoyaknow i woke up