Small Town with Fish Witch and Crime-Fighting Crab Man

Date: 10/16/2020

By candy303

My brother and I (he was only my brother in the dream) were traveling and we had to stop in a small town for the night. A woman and her two daughters let us stay in their house. “That’s your room over there, and the bathroom’s down the hall. If you want to take a bath, use this,” she said, handing me a jar of water. It didn’t strike me as weird that we were supposed to be able to bathe in a jar. My brother and I went into our room, which was barely big enough to fit a bunk bed. The beds had red mattresses and no blankets or pillows. My brother climbed up onto the top bunk and went to bed. I decided to go back outside. I stepped out into the hallway and overheard the woman telling her daughters, “These two will make beautiful fish, believe me.” I don’t remember the exact words of the rest of the conversation, but I got the idea that they were planning to tun us both into fish. (it was only after I woke up that I made the connection between giving us a jar of water and turning us into fish, so I’m not sure if those two were actually connected in the dream). Right across the hallway from my bedroom was a big opening that led outside. There was no door or even a screen. The two daughters cake walking down the hallway, and I hid in that opening. They both walked outside without even seeing me, and one of them started chopping wood in the yard. Suddenly it was morning and the woman, her daughters, and I were in the kitchen. The woman asked me what I wanted for breakfast, and I didn’t answer. My brother came in the kitchen, and she asked him what he wanted for breakfast. He said, “Well, I was always taught to ask for eggs when I’m a guest, so, eggs, I guess.” One of the girls brightened and said “We can make eggs over easy!” I don’t really like eggs over easy, but I didn’t say that. Suddenly it was night again and there was a big crowd outside a building on the town’s main street. Apparently some men had been caught doing illegal activities (it was never really clear to me what) in that building. Someone said, “Mr. Crab will go in there, he’ll beat them,” and then a giant blue crab the height of a man and twice as wide emerged from the crowd and went inside. Suddenly we were all on the roof of the same building. Mr. Crabs was fighting with one man in the center, and a bunch of other men dressed like him (who I assumed to be members of his gang) were standing all around. The whole crowd of townspeople was also there. One man pulled me aside and pointed to two lights in the distance. “You know what those are?” he asked. I shook my head. “Military,” he said. In the dream I knew that the military of this country, instead of being spread out over the whole country, constantly rotated between places. Apparently, this gang had figured out their schedule and was making sure to do their illegal activities when the military was not in town. There was more to the dream, but I can’t remember.