Date: 1/21/2021
By DevaJu5395
Something about me and some girl fighting over Michael? Like she was sitting on him while he was laying on the floor watching a movie or something and she just kept like bouncing on his butt and I felt real possessive over him. At one point I look over and her boob is hanging out of her shirt, and I don't want him to notice so I tell this stupid funny story about someone else's boob falling out of their shirt and she doesn't get the hint, so she's just giggling and like bouncing on him with her titty out and it's just annoying. So anyway I think there was another guy there and I start kind of showing off and flirting with him and then Michael sort of manages to make us all switch. Suddenly I'm laying on the floor and he's putting pieces of foil over my body like some weird game. He pulls one off suddenly from around my neck and it causes my halter to open so I'm just laying there covered in foil with a hole in it over my chest and my tit is just peeking out. No one notices. Cut to, traveling and some huge RV and whoever I'm with, we decide to crash some sort of reception like an art show or a wedding party or something but for some reason I'm in this weird wheelchair except it's up right, kind of like a handicap Segway I don't know. At one point we think we're going to get caught so we just take off running and I'm carrying the Segway and then my friend is like wait you need to limp or something! That's all I got.