Another wedding

Date: 2/8/2020

By candy303

I was on my way to a family wedding. One of my cousins was getting married, but I don’t know who. I was driving, and my mom kept criticizing everything I did, and then suddenly she was gone and my aunt Marcia was in her place. We got to the wedding, which was in a big field. There was a craft fair set up in the field, with things being sold by all my relatives. My mom had a table where she was selling paintings, but none of them had prices listed and my dad had put up a little sign next to her table in a place she couldn’t see warning people not to buy her paintings because she was sick (not sure where the logic in that is). I then made my way to a white tent that had been set up in the middle of the field. There were a bunch of tables of food in there, but the food all looked really unappetizing. My aunt Anne and cousin-in-law Taliesha we’re standing behind a table with two big bowls of pasta on it. One of them looked like spaghetti mixed with raw egg yolks, and the other was equally unappetizing, but I can’t remember what it was. Anne gestured to the other one and said “This ones gluten-free, make sure you tell your mom” and I agreed. I started looking around at the food on the other tables, but then the ceremony started. I was standing at the back of a tent that was much bigger than the tent had been at the beginning. There were a bunch of female relatives around me, all of them wearing colorful dresses. I heard someone tell my five-year-old cousin Allegra “You’ll be the best bridesmaid ever!” Then we all started walking forward. I wasn’t sure what to do but just went along with everybody. At the front, there were a bunch of folding chairs and a set of risers. I saw my mom sitting in the folding chairs and went to sit next to her. She was with Margaret, a woman who is related to me somehow. Then the groom, an Asian man with glasses, came down the aisle. His parents for whatever reason were coming down the sides, instead of down the aisle with him. I never did see the bride, but I know she was one of my cousins. All the other bridesmaids (there were about 20 of them) had gone and stood on the risers. They started reciting some poem in chorus and doing motions at the same time. I looked down at the script I was holding and noticed it contained the words that they were saying. I leaned over to my mom and whispered, “Should I be over there right now?” to which she responded, “Yes!” At that moment the bridesmaids all crouched down and looked at the floor. I guess I thought that would be a good time to join in so I ran over and crouched on the highest riser. I was right next to my cousin Meg. When I looked up, all the bridesmaids but Meg and a few others who I didn’t recognize had left. The remaining bridesmaids started doing some sort of complicated dance, and I followed along as best I could while still holding my script in one hand (the other bridesmaids were still reciting the poem, but seemed to have it memorized). Nobody ever said anything to me or even looked at me weird but I felt really awkward. Then some sort of bizarre ritual started in which a little Asian girl (who I assumed was one of the groom’s relatives) represented the moon and my little cousin Ruthie represented the sun. Then a pack of little kids, including Allegra, burst out of nowhere dressed in rainbow colors and scattering crayons everywhere. All of the bridesmaids came back, and started dancing again. I did my best to follow them, and noticed I was wearing a floor-length purple dress, and wondered why because I hate dresses.