Pregnancy and seeing Heidi

Date: 7/1/2021

By stardustzer0

I dreamed I was at a train station, a huge and very busy train station. It was almost as if it was a spiral shaped skyscraper. I must have just gotten off the train, because it was as if I was suddenly in the middle of hundreds of people trying to find their next place. I was with someone that I knew, and we were staying together despite the busy-ness of the crowd. Eventually we made our way up a few levels. It was almost like an open air hotel, with all the doors on the inside and a foyer in the middle. It was white and there were plants, something like palm trees only smaller. Heidi’s parents were there, and I think the person I must have been with earlier in the station was Krista because she was there too. Heidi’s parents were telling me that she was awake now, that Alexander was in the room with her and that we could visit with her after he came out. Alex opened the door to her room and came out smiling, saying we could visit her now. I went in and she was laying on a bed, wearing a sundress and somewhat asleep. I gently stroked her back and legs then sat in a chair at the bottom of the bed. She finished waking up and looked at me. Her hair was different, almost black, shorter and with bangs. I told her I liked it and we talked for a minute. She was out of it but the way someone is out of it when they first wake up. There was a book on the bed as if she had fallen asleep reading, some sort of murder mystery book I think, just something easy to read. I think her dress was white with some red on it. In another dream I am pregnant, about 38 or 40 weeks although my belly is smaller than I would expect at that far along. Stephan wants me to go to the hospital because he thinks I am past due. He is super anxious and getting upset. I tell him I want to wait for Erica and that it’s okay, it’s okay to go past due and the baby will come when she’s ready. Erica’s phone number isn’t working anymore though and I am getting anxious. We are able to get ahold of her assistants and they are there with us, but I want her to be there. I trying walking around and exercising to help encourage the baby to come, and then I try masturbating which seems to encourage contractions to begin. They feel really uncomfortable and I’m not sure that’s how they should be feeling. I put my hands on my belly where my baby bump is and I can feel movement. Erica shows up.