The girlies

Date: 11/10/2021

By alessbd

I went back to the apartment in Padova and met all the new girls. They were all really pretty and sweet. We decided to have lunch together. One girl made something from Kazakhstan and I was really curious about it. Then I made them all laugh by being like “is it rude that I’m so interested in something just because it’s not western food?? You’d never see someone being this curious about a slice of pizza. The apartment was totally different it was really beautiful and wooden and multiple floors and stuff. One of the new girls was named Christina (even tho none of them are named Christina irl). She was weirdly more popular in her cohort than I was expecting like for some reason I thought I’d be the most popular one (lmfao). But a bunch I mean a TON of people from her class showed up to our apartment to surprise her bc I guess it was her birthday. And I remember feeling a little jealous of her lol