I was staying in this Airbnb in the middle of a snowy nowhere with my parents and my two sisters who were Eva Meloche and Hana S from work. The house wa...
Last night I dreamt about being on our ski trip to Vancouver in February, expect I had forgotten all of my ski clothes. We had also arrived super late b...
Last night, I dreamt that Keegan had left his laptop in this bar. But it wasn’t really a bar. It was more like an extremely elaborate escape room type o...
I dreamt that I had somehow said yes to marrying this girl. I have no idea who she was but I had said yes as part of some tv show. They had given us and...
Had a really horrible nightmare about getting an IV put in last night. Probably because im about to have surgery for the first time but whatever🙄 I had...
Last night, I dreamt that Keegan was super mad at me because I did laundry on a day that I don’t normally do laundry on. I guess I did laundry on a Mond...
Keegan and I were driving down the i5 towards Portland. I’m not sure where we were going, but before we started driving, we were with a bunch of other p...
I was an employee on a spaceship. Keegan was there and I think Madison too. Some other people as well but I don’t remember who. At one point we docked o...
Keegan and I were in a library and he wanted to have sex. I was hesitant obviously bc we were in a library but he convinced me. We laid on a bench kind ...
In the first part of my dream I woke up late and was now going to miss one of my college classes. So I asked Keegan to go take it for me and take notes....
In the first part of my dream, this guy asked me out in a clothing store. I didn’t find him super attractive and obviously in the dream I was still dati...
I remember lots of little bits and pieces of my dreams last night. The first part I remember is hanging out with Keegan in his basement and Zoe was th...
This must have taken place later on today ‘cause it was this day I’ve taken off work. But Keegan must have asked me to have dinner in cap hill with him ...
I was at work with all my coworkers. I was drinking a can of coke and somehow the metal bottom lip of the cab got lodged in my front tooth. I was freaki...
I went back to work at Jubilee, which was in this giant mansion downtown. It was like a really beautiful giant glass house so that was really random. I ...
I was with a group of very random people but the only two I can definitively say were there were Keegan and Erin and Cameron I think. We were all pretty...
In the first part I was in a bedroom on the top floor of a house I didn’t recognize with Keegan. We were both in bed and we were about to have sex becau...
I was at Keegan’s house but it was some house in the middle of the woods somewhere. I went outside and his old Saab was there but it was all smashed up ...
I dreamt that I met a girl who looked/acted almost exactly like me only she was slightly ginger and had bigger boobs. We even had the same birthday. We ...
I was starting at a new private high school in the middle of the woods somewhere. When I got there another student in his little uniform was there to sh...
Keegan and I went back into fort worden-esque bunkers in this big building. Except from outside, we could hear people laughing and cats meowing. We went...
Dreamt my and my family were already down in Tahoe but I realized I hadn’t packed anything like no ski clothes at all. My dad was pretty mad and said he...
Dreamt that I was back in high school but it was senior year so I didn’t care that much about classes. I was bussing to school and Keegan was with me. W...
Not really a dream but I kinda half-dreamed half-hallucinated a man under my desk last night. He looked up at me in my bed and opened his mouth a bunch ...
The first part of the dream I can remember is driving through Texas with my mom. We got tired or some thing so we pulled over on the side of the highway...
The first part I was at coldhealing’s family thanksgiving. I met his two cats, one of whom was named Victoria, can’t remember the other. They were two b...
In the first part I was waiting in an airport at the gate for a flight. Victoria Chaput was there and I think Vittoria Battavia as well. It felt like we...
I went over to this big mansion in the middle of the woods that I knew Keegan either owned or was house sitting. We hooked up, although I don’t remember...
In the first part I found my pink air forces and also a pair of classic sambas in my closet and I was sooo disappointed when I woke up lmao Second part...
Dreamt I was hanging out in magnolia and had a picnic at a park (think it was Ella Bailey but it looked different) with Keegan and Brendan and Chris wer...
Back to having pregnancy/baby dreams. First one in a while. I gave birth to a baby girl. And it was insane bc I barely felt anything? Like giving birth ...
Looong time since I recorded a dream. But last night was a weird one. I dreamt I was in some giant, beautiful, Paris-esque hotel, watching kids (like th...
Camilla and Olivia came to visit me at work and I was introducing them to everyone. Keegan seemed uninterested. There was a part that dany and artems mo...
I was walking down the street in downtown Seattle and went by a restaurant that had outdoor seating. Suddenly I noticed one larger table had a bunch of ...
I was at work and Rex threw his little purple rubber mattress and it stuck on the ceiling again. Nico was looking up at it and it fell and he swallowed ...
I was getting a tattoo of me Cameron and Erin. I think it was like a line drawing of us on a couch with a clock behind us and I asked for the clock to r...
Dreamt I was in a Starbucks with Kurt Hummel from glee and he kissed me all of a sudden super passionately which is hilarious I was like arent you gay??...
I took the train to the next town over from Aarhus and it was a Russian town called lushenko or something? I was with someone but I can’t remember who. ...
Dreamt that I had to hook up with Riley Stowell to keep him from killing himself. I think we were in the black box at Ballard and there was some product...
All I remember is being in a bomb threat or school shooting type of situation at a high school. I ran and hid in a closet behind a big fur coat that cov...
So I basically dreamt an entire horror movie last night. I think it was me, my mom, and my dad and we were at this company (no idea what it actually was...
Had a very long extensive boring dream about just packing for Lisbon lmao. Extremely uneventful 🤪
Dreamt that I was speaking to Oliver and he was telling me there was some really terrible earthquake/natural disaster in California and the ground was l...
First part I was Sela? And my mom died. And then I had to go to the hospital where I had to tell my two sisters that she had died. But in the hospital o...
In the first part I was preparing for some adventure/journey I was gonna have. I was going to spend some time alone on a mountain camping and hiking and...
This was suuuch a strange dream. Johan threw this giant party. Magnus and his whole class were there. But then Johan like grabbed me and we danced toget...
I was put in charge of taking care of the ballard cheerleaders or at least watching them (lmfao as if they’re like a herd of cattle) and I think aunt De...
Just had an absolutely terrible dream that my mom and I were having brunch outside a cafe in Aarhus somewhere. There was a really big group of elementar...
I was in prison for some reason. And so was my entire family but we were split up into age groups. Our prison got a visit form one of the former members...
I was a cosmetics artist or something - someone who puts on fake eyelashes so I had a bunch of them lying around. Erin was staying with me but I was in ...
I had this super long laceration on my hip that went from the side of my crotch to my buttcheek and it was like super deep. I wasn’t bleeding much but i...
First I was on some super long trek across lots of different landscapes with a team. One moment it looked like we were in Finland, super dark and snowy ...
Joe Fotheringham was having a birthday party at some park. It was a huge event - he had invited hundreds of people. There were long tables set up everyw...
I went back to the apartment in Padova and met all the new girls. They were all really pretty and sweet. We decided to have lunch together. One girl mad...
At the beginning I think I was literally Nemo and I was bei chased by the shark from the movie while my dad looked for me. Such a funny realization once...
I was at Amelia Osborn’s house with Madison Young and we were about to go to a party or a club or something. She poured me a giant shot and we all got p...
In the first part of the dream, I got to go to space. I think I was with my biotech cohort. It was crazy it felt like I was actually in 0g and we got to...
This was possibly the second worst dream I’ve ever had. In the first part I think I was in venice with Greta and I think I grabbed her hand kinda hard o...
I was on a night out with that Canadian girl from Twitter skinnyspice. We both were looking really good. We were at a bar and this group of like 5 guys ...
I was sharing a room with adriana again but I guess Magnus was there too bc she told me in the morning that he was snoring and she had to tell him to st...
Dreamt that I got into this really weird big fight with Erin. We were going to have breakfast and she asked me what she should eat. One of her options w...
I was having a picnic with Magnus Aske and Jonas in a place that looked a bit like green lake. We were starting to pack up our stuff to leave and put it...
First part, I was picking up some girl from her house with some of my friends in a car. We were going to a party. The girl we were picking up was a litt...
I won some contest that sent me on a trip to Thailand so that was awesome. I was in the airport checking in for my flights and the process was kind of c...
I was at a weird amusement park thing in this scary abandoned building place at the top of a hill. And I was there with lianne and amber from ballard an...
I was in like 3 different fashion shows, all at this park. Cameron was there and he was my biggest hype man. It felt like such a performance, with the t...
I entered into some weird alternate universe it felt like. Through a grocery store. But everything was underwater and the colors around us kept changing...
First I was trying to set up this fake Christmas tree my mom had given me. It was basically a tiny plastic tree that you had to put into a vase. So I di...
I was hiking around in some giant park (similar to discovery) w my dad and grandma e. We saw 2 pairs of animal friends I think big lynxes and little bir...
Cameron sent me a joke Venmo request for $5 in the middle of the night and I woke up and read it and just went back to sleep. But then I dreamt that he ...
Went to visit Grammy in Vegas and some other younger girl was there. It was kind of a mess and they were very judgey. Dad wasn’t happy There was also a...
I was in Israel with my parents. We were eating dinner outside at a restaurant but there kept being bomb threats on the street and we kept having to run...
I was in Aarhus w Magnus and his friends. We were outside a flying tiger and they suddenly started this block party but it was really fun and we were da...
I was hosting a party for Magnus’s class in my backyard in Prescott but Magnus wasn’t even there and I kept texting him to see where he was. But it was ...
I was at a party with Cameron. Someone’s little sister was there (idk whose) and so was zed from ballard and he could tell she was feeling lonely so he ...
I was sitting in some play ground with Zamba and we were playing music over a speaker. A bunch of other people were around us too. I think Lila Gill was...
Can’t remember much. Something about having sex with Sydney Sweeney. Then skinny dipping w Magnus and a couple randoms. Then cleaning the bathroom but n...
I was in a giant house with my parents and a snake got in and I was hunting it all over the house trying to get it out Then later I was here in the apa...
Making lunch (stuff on rye bread) while I talked to Ben Attias about Magnus and they had a lot in common. Ben played Hungarian rhapsody on the piano and...
Just woke up bc I spit into my own bed again:) but I was having a dream me and Erica and Magnus I think were walking to a party and Frani was there and ...
Corynne and I went to a club together. She was showing me all these cocktails she really liked and we were getting really tipsy together and dancing and...
I was at some talent show type of thing at my school but I was in an auditorium I’ve never been in before. There was one group in particular who sung a ...
Had the most intense dream about being pregnant. Moving around, going to the hospital,contractions, my water even broke when I was there. Magnus was th...
I was going to smoke weed with Corynne but I was scared bc I hadn’t/haven’t smoked in so long. But it ended up being ok. Then it started snowing outside...
Francesca (cortese) was a crazy psycho murderer and I was in someone’s house idk whose. And she was outside with like a knife and kept trying to get in....
I was driving on the freeway but I must have been really tired bc my eyes kept closing and I tried to merge lanes but my eyes were basically closed so i...
I was at Deanna and kens house but they lived in a little condo and Magnus was there too. I had a little baby when I woke up who I was tending to. There...
There was a fire in the apartment where I lived with my mom dad Helix and Sassy. They all ended up dying. It was a really traumatizing dream. I went out...
Elli and her family and jack anderson and his family were working at a hospital (not sure where I fit into this it literally just felt like I was watchi...
Magnus’ mom had a little baby and asked if I could change its diaper. Of course I said yes, but the changing table was slanted and so it was really hard...
I parked the car in a Fred Meyer parking lot with my mom and Helix inside. I made sure to find a shady spot because it was SUPER hot outside - looked a ...
I was planning Magnus and my wedding but I was doing it from Italy for back in Seattle at this venue where time for pho usually is. I had to like apply ...
I had one of those enormous unnecessary trucks like the one uncle Ken drives and I was drinking somewhere in a field with the girls from Seattle before ...
The only thing I can remember is getting a TERRIBLE full-body sunburn. And trying to take a shower and it hurting so so bad and then trying to lotion it...
I was pregnant but we weren’t really sure because I wasn’t that big. But I could feel that something was different and it was really weird. I think I to...
I was in a super fancy house with magnus I think and I few of my friends. It was near an airport and I was outside at one point and suddenly planes star...
I was in some theater production at Ballard. A janitor started vacuuming in the middle of the show which interrupted us and the house lights came on and...
Magnus, my parents, and I had tickets to a movie premier. We got driven there in a big black van by a Russian guy who was a very erratic driver. When we...
The first part of the dream I was HELLA pregnant and basically going into labor. It was kind of terrifying I felt every movement in my stomach but it di...
I was in this rv thing with Magnus’s whole family plus my own. And we were driving through Algeria with a trailer on the back carrying 3 horses. Suddenl...