🍊 oranges

Date: 12/12/2018

By KayDeeKay

pretty random dream. but I was on some type of trip to go to a party with my mom. I was going by this school and I see this old couple skating on this weird board . there was one large wheel and a board on top. the old lady and man we're counterbalancing each other. the old lady was in the front and used her left leg to push and the old man was in the back and use his right. they invited me to join them on their weird long board. so I hopped on the front and they both were now in the back. they take me to this orchard. this farmer shows me around and tells me about the oranges he grows. he picks one from a tree and takes a knife and cuts it open. it was the most beautiful, juiciest orange I've ever seen. he gave it to me and my bite was like I was drinking a cup of orange juice. my mouth is watering just thinking of it now that I'm awake. I was able to take a bunch or fresh oranges with me and eventually met up with my mom for this party. seemed to be a birthday for my granddad (he has already passed but was there in the dream). we were at a old school on a hot day and all the windows were open to let in a breeze. it was a nice time and I just ate cake and oranges for the rest of the dream