Suicide/Face Off (gorey)

Date: 3/24/2020

By blucanary

I don't remember the whole dream. Just one main part. I was in a car, it seems as though it may have been a limo. There were a few other ppl in there with me. I know they were there, but I don't recall who they were... I can only visually recall one man. He was elderly. We were sitting in the car. It was stopped. A young boy, probably about nine years old ran up to us, pounding on the door and crying. We rolled the window down to see what was wrong. He said his uncle had just committed suicide. He had jumped off the roof of a building we were right next to. The slim young brown haired freckled faced boy started crying harder as he told us what had happened. We looked behind the car, and slightly to the right towards the way of the building. Sure enough, a man was lying on the concrete below, bloodied and in pieces. The first thing I saw was his face. His face itself, his flesh, had slid right off his skull, hair and all. His empty round eye holes visible for all to see. It was as though the force of the impact had blown his entire face and head ( from the chin up ) completely off and approx. 5 feet away from the skull. The flesh was all in one piece, and you could still tell he had been a good looking man. The next thing I noticed was his torso. The torso wasn't far from the skull, but was a bit further from his face. He had been wearing what looked like a white Polo shirt with a blue stripe across the top, but had been pulled up probably during the jump. This left his stomach, with just a little patch of dark hair going down from the belly button to the pubic area, to be seen. All of his exposed skin was smooth and wrinkle free. He had been fairly young ( no older than probably about young 30's, if that old even ), and had a decent slim body. I felt bad for him wondering what could have been so bad in his life that he had to go out like this. Taking in the scene took no more than mere seconds, though it felt longer. I started to climb over the old man ( he was sitting next to the car door, and I was next to him - the other ppl being on the other side of me ) saying that I would stay with the boy until emergency services arrived. The old man, however, pushed me back and insisted that he stay. He said he was older, the rest of us shouldn't be around something like this for one, and for another, we shouldn't have to miss out on our plans ( whatever they were ). Him being old, it didn't matter as much. I tried arguing with him, but he wouldn't have it. As sick as it sounds, I wanted to stay behind to get a better look at the body. I tried taking one more good look as the old man got out of the car, and that was it. That's all I remember of the dream.

AI generated interpretation It's important to remember that dreams are often symbolic and can reveal deep-seated emotions, fears, and desires. In your dream, there are several key elements to consider for analysis: suicide, face-off, the presence of an elderly man, encountering a gruesome scene of a man's death, the decision to stay or leave the scene, and the desire to examine the body in more detail. The theme of suicide in dreams often indicates feelings of helplessness, hopelessness, or a desire to escape from a challenging or overwhelming situation in waking life. The presence of the elderly man could represent wisdom, authority, or a need for guidance in dealing with difficult emotions or decisions. The young boy's distress and the graphic depiction of the man's death could suggest a need to confront and process painful or traumatic experiences, whether it be personal struggles or witnessing others' suffering. The image of the man's face sliding off his skull could symbolize a loss of identity or facade, perhaps indicating a fear of losing one's sense of self or authenticity. The impact of the gruesome scene may reflect a sense of shock or vulnerability in the face of harsh realities or harsh truths. It may also signify a need to confront uncomfortable truths or aspects of oneself. The internal conflict between staying to investigate further and leaving the scene could represent a struggle between curiosity and morbid fascination on one hand, and a desire to protect oneself from distressing experiences on the other. This conflict may point to a need to balance curiosity with self-care and emotional boundaries in dealing with difficult or disturbing situations. Overall, this dream may be reflecting unresolved feelings of distress, curiosity, and a desire to understand or make sense of challenging experiences or emotions. It could also be a reminder to seek support, guidance, or self-care in navigating difficult circumstances in waking life. It may be helpful to explore any underlying emotions or experiences that resonate with the themes of the dream and consider ways to address them in a healthy and constructive manner.