Date: 7/10/2018
By Secret&Mystical
The setting took place in my childhood town again. This started off by my mom talking to me, my cousin Christopher and a bunch of other kids about a drama that happened with Christopher’s family. I think it was about one of his parents cheating on the other! Christopher was so curious about the topic. I left because i had to go see my old lady from green Croft to do my last interview for a final project. As I left, my mom left too because she was desperately trying to hide from family members. I especially remember Pita, one of my cousins who passed away very young a few years ago from lupus. She was wearing her virgin marry dress, just like she would wear as a prayer for health just before her death. She was with her sister, Cori. They had so much candy that had the shapes of real boy toys like legos, marvels, little guns, superheroes, etc. Apparently they were chasing my mom because she shared the family drama that involved my cousin Christopher and the Galvan family ? my mom didn’t want to deal with it. So she was hiding under the bed of my little turquoise green-walled and sky blue ceiling childhood bedroom. My family kept knocking on the window super hard. The bed was against the wall by the window, hey, she was hiding so well they couldn’t see her. I, at the same time, was desperately trying to get my interview done for my final project (need to do in real life, TODAY) and was trying so hard to go get it done. But couldn’t find the right gift to get for my old green croft lady as a thankful gesture for helping me with my project. I went to see her and was gonna bring her flowers but she said she wanted a smoke, so I was trying to find her a hookah! I was running around and was gonna stop at the house for something. On the way, I found my aunt Cori with so much candy in her hands. I bumped into her as I ran. She dropped all the little toy shaped candy and we picked it up. She said she was looking for me to give me candy. When she gave me all the toy candy I put it in my hoodie pockets and kept running. I had to find that hookah so I could finally start my interview. But in the middle of everything, I wanted to stop on the way to get a torta from this Chela store that I LOVED as a child. I made a mental note to stop to get one as I looked for the hookah. I kept running and finally ended up back at my house. I got in through the back green patio door and found my mom in the room hiding under the bed. She made a loud “shhhhhh” and signaled for me to get under the bed. She made me go under and told me to be quiet because she was hiding. The aunts kept knocking and knocking and I tried so hard not to be seen through the thin cream colored curtains hanging on the big glass windows above the bed. When they finally left, I had to escape the house fast so my aunts wouldn’t see I came from the house. At this moment, my friend Justin and someone other White Boy with him looked through the window. They started laughing! So loud and super oblivious to the fact that they had to be quiet because we were hiding. I finally started laughing too and came out through the window super fast. Left my mom under the bed and started running again, this time with my friend Justin, to go get the hookah so I could finally start that interview.