Date: 4/30/2019
By jadeskies
Had a dream that I had a crush on ruby from On My Block but i was thinking he was Alex. We were supposed to go on this one vacation together and I was determined to kiss him. I kept flopping my hair all over and being all cute while he stuttered and it was so much fun. We were kind of on swings outside on a beachy type area, and it was night time, but still a little light out. I was looking up while flopping my hair around and he just stuttered and said “how. How. How do you do that? How do you look so dewy. So beautiful” and he kept stuttering. I looked at him and shook my head smiling. I went in for a long kiss. He kissed back and then we started to really kiss. He had really circular lips. Then we kissed more and went to the ground. We rolled around a bit and then I pinned him down and kissed him more, and kissed him down his neck. Then we rolled around a bit and he kind of pinned me. Not at dominantly as I did, but good enough. He kissed me a bit more. And then kissed my forehead. He lifted off me and said “goodnight”. I whined and said not yet. and pulled him back down a little. He said fine and then lifted my dress up. He kissed my stomach and then kissed me up a little bit more around there. I wasn’t wearing underwear but he kissed my bikini line, in a line, and left this red cream? On me? Kinda like a lipstick print but not. And he just kissed that area up and down. And I asked what the cream was and he said aloe. He rubbed it in gently and non sexually. And he Kissed me a final time, and said goodnight. Second dream before. Was that I astral projected and kinda flew over pyramids of Giza briefly? Third dream after the kissing one. I was in my room with two guys, I wanna say pranay and someone bigger but it wasn’t them. Then they grabbed each other’s man tits? It was really weird. Then one dude dropped his pants and pretended to dick him from behind but didn’t? Eventually they dicked each other’s dicks?? Yea.. and then Chris almost walked in. And then they shoved their pants on really quick. I was just watching..