I had a dream I was at my art school and I was drawing. And I remember trying to draw this one guy and I was using the one across the table as my refere...
So I invited three guy friends to go out to eat with me and one or two girls for my birthday. Half of them wore really Mexican suits lmfao then we went ...
Ok so basically the past few days have been hell because no friends🥰 and so I started having really weird dreams. I’m disappointed I didn’t write them ...
I had a dream that I went to Washington or somewhere and had this big picnic dinner. It was inside though and most of my family came. Then my mom pointe...
I had a dream I had just got a really big mansion for some reason and we were staying in it. Then my mom said these ladies twisted her arm while she was...
On my way to the spring dance my parents took a pit stop at a hotel for the night with me. My mom was eating what looked like chineses food but it smell...
Had a dream that I went back to kindergarten for a day. Me and three other people went, including my best friend, Rowley from dairy of wimpy kid, and a ...
Had a dream that the corona pandemic got way way worse. Somehow went on a vacation with my mom and Jaxx and I went outside. We weren’t allowed to let pe...
My mom bought me nipple clamps cuz she saw my toys and thought I’d enjoy it. Then she left for the day and then I had my dog bite my nipples and it felt...
I had a dream I was in a Minecraft public server and I was foraging for food. And I came across this chest full of hot dogs, shrimp, and all the good st...
I just had the weirdest dream. Basically. I went to this one place to go workout with my parents. And it was in a big field with Jaxx. And we did this o...
Basically I went to Costco with my dad. But it was like. Some sort of dangerous mission lol. And I saw Alex and some of his friends at a Mexican Claire’...
Had a dream Sammy was sitting on my bed and I went to kiss him. I grabbed this thigh while trying to make out and all of a sudden he clutches his dick a...
I was church and we had just left. It was a special day but idk what for. I’m with everyone from my big school group and we’re at our building and event...
Had a dream that I was stuck in a holiday cruise. We were on it for maybe a few hours and all of a sudden it starts breaking down and we need to go grab...
So the bottle cap challenge thingy. Where you swing something and it has to take the cap off a bottle. Basically, a guy was standing and had a switchbl...
Had a dream I had a miscarriage by wiping and there was a long sticky purple tube with a bulb at the end, that came out like period clumps. Looked the s...
I jerked Alex off two more times but we were outside in the middle of a busy intersection at night. It was noisier but we didn’t mind. Eventually after ...
Went to a Cheeto themed wedding and met Jeffree star there. He didn’t have any makeup on and I wanted to take a picture with him. He said “one sec” and ...
Date with Alex. He parked a red old car outside peeping over the front porch. It was really early in the morning and dark outside, kinda rainy. He was w...
Had a dream that I was talking to this one guy and he stopped liking me. He said he liked me as a did but not great. He was a real guy and he worked at ...
Had a dream that I had a crush on ruby from On My Block but i was thinking he was Alex. We were supposed to go on this one vacation together and I was d...
I had a dream in my old house in Georgia. I was walking in the hallway with Alex and we walked in and sat on the bed. He started out with a shirt but id...
Had a dream that I went into this alternate reality and everyone’s personality was altered a little bit. Like, Becky was mean and annoying. Jaylene was ...
James Charles drug It started out with me in school or something and I was bringing one of my friends a cake and all my teachers were hypeddd. Then I w...
So there are these Mayan caves that go straight down and have no endings. They’re super dangerous and whatever, and so this man has to explore them and ...
I was at school and this knock off version of destany, Ethan, and Daniel (plus a ew other people) kept yelling nicknames at me, Duncan, and seemingly ev...
Walking next to the apartments on my way home I see Cassandra and her giant Group of friends. She’s pretty buff when she walks over. She says “why don’t...
Tregan went with me to group. At first we’re sitting in this room with lowered parts of the floor. Half of the room is lower and there is a railing type...
I remembered almost waking up. And thinking to myself, I’ve been trying to do this for 3 days. Why can’t I astral project? I was laying on my stomach wi...