Hotel/high school chaos

Date: 10/7/2022

By alessbd

Looong time since I recorded a dream. But last night was a weird one. I dreamt I was in some giant, beautiful, Paris-esque hotel, watching kids (like the day camp) in the bottom floor. Magnus and Zamba were there working too, and Jay Dunbar randomly at one point as well. Stella from day camp was one of the kids, and I kept having to discipline her, like she was REALLY acting out and her punishments needed to keep getting more and more severe (nothing I wouldn’t do to an actual kid obvi and also hilarious bc nothing like her irl but it just kinda hurt me inside to keep having to discipline her bc she cried at one point as well). Magnus and Zamba were acting super close and buddy buddy like they usually do which was fine by me, but then they went upstairs together and I wasn’t sure where they went. I was annoyed bc I couldn’t watch all the kids by myself so I went upstairs to find them. I had to go all the way to the attic/top floor to find them. They were there hanging out together with I think Audrey Bauer and Paisley Veal (two beautiful girls mind you) and for some reason they had like a big “audience” of people (from Ballard I think) watching them just hang out …. And they were completely ignoring me as if I wasn’t there. It was an incredibly weird scene. It made me upset that Magnus would rather hang out with these people than me so I turned around to go back downstairs. As I was passing the elevator, my dad came out of it. But he was my dad AT AGE 18. And he basically was like “I’m here for the show” and went to go join the audience of people watching them. I was a little freaked out so I continued down the stairs. But it was a spiral staircase that progressively got tinier and tinier until I almost got stuck trying to squeeze my body through this ornate white metal spiral. I met Eileen Macdonald on one of the lower floors and I guess we were staying together in one of the rooms, but she told me there was someone in our room. I went to go investigate but I think I woke up before I saw who it was. Fucking weird dream man