Birthed friends babies

Date: 3/4/2022

By DevaJu5395

I was carrying my friends baby.. Not like a surrogate, but somehow I had her womb in my womb lol. Anyway i began to go into labor, but it wasn't normal with contractions and stuff. It was just an instinctive feeling that it was time, and the baby just kind of slid out. It was a sweet baby boy, born quietly, without crying. Just peacefully came into the world and I laid him down as I started to feel the labor wasn't over. I thought it was the afterbirth, but I felt my belly and there was another baby! I guess my shocked exclamation was enough of a push because this baby slid right out too haha..I only had one little bassinet, so I laid the second baby on a table. I immediately started calling their mom and dad while gathering stuff to heat up breast milk. Neither of them answered so I left voicemails to hurry and get over here. I went back to the babies and picked up the firstborn. "Aren't you just an angel?" I whispered at him. And decided to call him Anjel. I laughed to myself, as I had a sense that I would just keep that name to myself but didn't know why. Also, I didn't cut their umbilical cords, but they were born already severed from the placenta - maybe another indicator that I had someone else's babies put in me? I set Anjel down and went to check on the other baby, who had apparently rolled off the table and into a wheelbarrow. I scooped him up and realized he was missing an arm! He must have been born without it attached, because it was completely healed, but the severed arm was laying in the wheelbarrow, as if it had malformed in the womb and separated. I swaddled and cuddled him, telling him he was going to be just fine. I brought him over to his brother in the bassinet and squeezed them in together. Looking at them side by side, I exclaimed, "Well aren't you guys just carbon copies of Hady!" I couldn't believe it, my friends suddenly had three boys, two of them twins but all identical. I went to check on the water I was heating for their milk and ran into the babys' father. I told him the good news and asked where his wife was, he said she was following close behind and would be there soon. I filled some bottles and we went to the babies. I picked up the one with the deformed arm while their dad picked up Anjel and we started giving them their bottles. Finally, their mom showed up but she didn't move toward either baby. I put the bottle down and brought the baby over to her. I was starting to explain about his arm while unwrapping the blanket but to my surprise I realized his arm had grown back lol! I showed them the severed arm and said it was a miracle. Looking at the baby, I thought to myself to call him Miracle. Their mom wouldn't hold them, only cleaned them up and trimmed their cords. Then suddenly we're walking toward a car with both babies, the mom still not holding either one. I ask if she'd been crying and she said no but I could tell. I could hear the parents talking as I put Miracle in the car; He asked, "Are you sure you want to do this?" And she said, "What other choice do we have?" We all rode to this big mansion, it was outdated and needed repairs but was still pretty nice. We drove around back to what looked like a single apartment complex building with maybe ten units in it. "So that's how they can afford to keep up with that mansion," I thought to myself. And we got the babies out of the car just as a woman was walking over to greet us. She welcomed us to the home, and immediately took the babies. We left crying.