Digital art 4k scene from a movie: In the depths of the dried up Euphrates River, a fallen angel lurked unseen, waiting for the perfect moment to break free and unleash chaos upon the world.

The Prophocied River Euphrates & the Angel Beneath

Date: 6/3/2023

By blucanary

The Euphrates River was drying up, just as in real life, and just as Scripture recorded would happen. And in my dream, I could see below the surface of the dry desert. Just as in the video you can find online, I was at the once great river. You could hear those noises spewing forth from the holes within the dried earth. Was it wind pushing itself through caves beneath the earth? Or was it the four fallen angels that Scripture says are chained beneath the Euphrates, getting more and more angry as they slowly go insane waiting for the river to dry up so that they can finally be unleashed to wreak havoc once again upon this world. In the dream, I watched as someone stood upon the dried river hearing the sounds from below. She started talking to the noises, prophecying to the sounds she heard, as if she knew what was beneath the earth yet still held out hope that it could be saved. "Share the word, Disciple of Christ", she bellowed faithfully. Below, a fallen angel stirred. It had already broken free of it's chains and angrily paced about, trying to find a hole it could rip through to freedom. I think the earth below was as strong as the steel chains that were until just recently tightly around his wrists; simply digging wasn't going to set this thing free. As more people came and looked at the holes upon the dried up river bed, the fallen angel, now grotesque, his heavenly features lost long ago, hid between cracks unseen from the holes above. He knew if he allowed someone to see him, that they would run; Run and possibly try to block any escape route he may finally be close to having. So he hid his horrendous blood-red face, marked by bulbous boils, pitted pockmarks and never-healing scabs, dry and crusty in some spots and wet with pus in others. His eyes were as dark as the imprisonment he's faced for thousands upon thousands upon thousands of years; and, as cliche as it sounds, a set of horns high atop his forehead. His freedom is close. He can finally feel fresh air upon his dry skin, can see sunlight shining through the holes in the ground for the first time in ages, so bright it was almost blinding. His mind has cracked, but he holds together what he can long enough to stay hidden... A long yellow school bus can be seen through these newly discovered "prison windows" ... He can nearly taste the merriment of the chaos he will create, the utter destruction he will bring forth to all humans, man woman and child alike. Almost there... Patience, patience.... Remain in the shadows just a little while longer...

AI generated interpretation This dream contains rich and complex symbolism that can be interpreted in several ways. The imagery of the drying Euphrates River could represent a sense of loss, change, or impending danger in your life. The idea of the four fallen angels chained beneath the river may symbolize repressed or hidden emotions, desires, or aspects of yourself that are struggling to break free. The figure of the woman in the dream who is prophecying and holding out hope despite the darkness and danger lurking below the surface could symbolize your own inner strength, faith, or resilience in the face of adversity. She may represent a part of yourself that is trying to make sense of challenging circumstances and find a way to navigate through them. The grotesque, fallen angel hiding beneath the cracks may signify your inner demons, fears, or destructive tendencies that are threatening to emerge and wreak havoc in your life. The school bus and the anticipation of chaos and destruction it brings could suggest a fear of loss of control or a sense of impending chaos or crisis. Overall, this dream could be reflecting your subconscious fears, concerns, and inner conflicts. It may be a reflection of a sense of powerlessness or vulnerability in the face of external forces or internal struggles. It could also be highlighting the importance of facing and confronting your inner demons and challenges in order to prevent them from causing harm or disruption in your life. It is important to explore the emotions and feelings that this dream evokes in you and consider how it may be mirroring your waking life experiences and psychological landscape. Dream analysis can provide valuable insights into your unconscious mind and help you better understand and navigate the complexities of your inner world.