Date: 4/3/2018
By belle7244
The last bell rang and everyone scrambled to leave. My French teacher reminded us that tonight was back to school night and to make sure our parents were going. I went out to get on the bus. Danny DeVito—who I’m just gonna assume was a teacher in this scenario—was smoking with a group of edgy teens. I ignored it and walked to the buses. I called my mom and reminded her of back to school night. I ended up not even getting on a bus, but I turned around and went back inside. I found my mom in the lobby. My dad came and joined us. We exchanged a joke with my AP Psychology teacher and walked off to my chem class. Somehow my dad had beat us there and was writing things on the whiteboard, which already had what I’m going to assume were my chem teacher’s drawings up there. We were the only people in the room. My mom and I sat in the back and watched my dad mess around on the whiteboard, drawing and writing things and judging my chem teacher’s whiteboard art, which seemed to have been up so long it could not be erased. I was worried we were too early for back to school nights and that we’d get caught, as there was no one in the halls or in any rooms, but my dad didn’t care and my mom was having a blast watching him. Another family came in and sat next to my mom and I, but they seemed just as worried as I was and watched my dad anxiously.