Noo don’t kill yourself you’re so sexy aha

Date: 5/5/2022

By alessbd

Dreamt that I had to hook up with Riley Stowell to keep him from killing himself. I think we were in the black box at Ballard and there was some production happening that we were in the cast of. He was suuuuper drunk and saying things like “I want you and I’ve always wanted you but I can’t have you ‘cause you’re with Magnus so I’m gonna kill myself” or whatever. So I took him into a bathroom stall and started making out with him and like grinding on him and stuff even though it was gross ‘cause he was so drunk and I really didn’t want to do it but I felt like I had to ‘cause I obviously didn’t want him to kill himself. We didn’t have sex or anything, but JUST before I woke up I pulled away from him and looked him dead in the eyes and said “just so you know it’ll never be you. It will always be Magnus until the end of time”

AI generated interpretation Based on the details you provided, it appears that this dream highlights issues related to obligation, responsibility, and loyalty in your personal relationships. The dream imagery seems to suggest that there may be some situations in your life where you feel a sense of obligation to fulfill certain duties or roles, even if it makes you uncomfortable or goes against your personal desires. Specifically, the dream may be reflecting a fear of losing someone important to you, possibly due to their mental health or emotional instability. However, by placing the burden of responsibility onto yourself in the dream, there may be a sense that you feel responsible for others' well-being, even if it requires you to compromise your own values or boundaries. The fact that you emphasize your commitment to Magnus in the dream may also suggest a deeper fear of losing your current romantic partner or perhaps feelings of guilt or doubt about your relationship. Alternatively, it may be highlighting a perceived competition or rivalry between two people in your life, as reflected in the tension between Riley and Magnus. Overall, this dream seems to reflect emotional conflict and the need to balance conflicting obligations and responsibilities in your personal life. It may be helpful to reflect on these feelings and explore ways to prioritize your own emotional well-being while also respecting the needs and feelings of those around you.