WHERE is his girlfriend?????

Date: 11/13/2020

By alessbd

Firstly, I was in some production of Annie. I was meant to say some line off stage but I didn’t know it bc the actress onstage had completely skipped to another part in the show so I was totally lost. It wasn’t my fault but everyone thought it was. Then I was at Magnus’s graduation. It was held in a massive stadium with hundreds and hundreds of people. For some reason people from Blaine/Ballard were there like Gary Dunn and Robert Fiala. Magnus ended up giving a speech and I was on the balcony right above him looking down and it was nice. But then he called a girl in his class a “brat” totally as a joke that his friends would get. But the girl’s dad like stood up and got really upset and screamed at him and ran out of the stadium. I thought maybe it hadn’t phased him at first because he continued on with the speech. But after a while he started crying and he couldn’t finish the speech and a girl from him class had to help him get off the stage. Then no one could find him and I was running around the stadium looking for him and everyone was like “WHERES HIS GIRLFRIEND” and once I found him he was all upset about the dad but I reminded him how many other hundreds of people he’d touched with his speech and he calmed down a bit.