
Date: 1/20/2022

By thetruecall

I read a book about socialist planning for a small urban enclave. I disagreed with a conclusion that money spent in a large rural county was misspent because area does not equate to need. I was speaking to family and relatives at a home in a rural area. I was making a point to my granddad and someone else that modernity has changed how we value material goods. I explained how a hammer I was holding (lowes brand) wasn’t worth the same as a tool bough 30+ years ago. It was cheaper and not made in the US. If it broke or I lost it I would think nothing of just burying a replacement. During this same conversation while people were listening to someone else speak, I wrote a thought I had about the different importance of rural areas across a series of stacked storage bins. After I finished writing it occurred to me that writing my “profound” idea’s on the boxes for everyone to see seemed pretentious. Everyone decided it was time to leave to go somewhere and eat. My mom wanted to get a photo of some of us together before we left. Four of us stayed behind to have photos taken. At some point this turned into like a professional photo session and my mom was directing us to pose in certain ways like fashion models. At some point I was wearing a military uniform for the pictures. After a bit I realized I was wearing a Nazi uniform someone had brought back from the war. I told everyone I was actually wearing a Nazi uniform and we probably shouldn’t be including pictures of me the in the modeling photos. I realized I was carrying an MG38 machine gun and my brother and I took turns firing it out a window until the ammunition was gone. We also shot a Thompson sub machine gun he had. We left to go eat and I set about explaining to everyone what the various patches and medals on the Nazi inform were about. I was part of an infantry unit assaulting a Nazi held village. We were subjected to heavy artillery fire. I ran up to an entrenched enemy mortar and shot a man directly in the head, but the man was somehow unhurt and tried to shoot me. I threw grenades in the entrenchment, but all of them were thrown back. I then decided to hold the next grenade after I pulled the pin for a few seconds before I threw it so there wouldn’t be any time to throw it back.

AI generated interpretation Interpretation This dream appears to reflect your current thoughts and feelings about modernity, the importance of rural areas, and the value of material goods. Your conversation with family and relatives in the dream suggests that these issues are important to you and that you have strong opinions about them. The dream also reflects your awareness of the power of money and how it can be used to influence decision-making. The scene of the photo shoot with the Nazi uniform may suggest a sense of pretentiousness or an uneasiness about your own opinion of yourself. The scene of the military assault on the Nazi-held village may reflect a struggle between your own values and beliefs and those of the people around you. You may feel that you are fighting for the right thing or that the people around you don't understand your point of view. The fact that you held the grenade before throwing it may suggest a desire to take control of a situation and to ensure that you get your point across.