Date: 1/10/2020
By shiftyltk
Dreamt i was going on a ski trip. The dream was long but I never actually went skiing. The whole time I was just trying to get up north and get onto the mountain. First I was in a house with my ex and his friend. I was trying to get my shit together so we could leave. I couldn’t decide what to pack, I couldn’t find anything I needed. They were getting really annoyed. Even my mom was like “you have to go!!!” Once we left, we had to keep stopping so his friend could take naps. Even though it was only a 3 hour drive?? At one point we stopped to meet up with the others and have dinner. They went into the restaurant but I just laid in the car. When I decided to go in, everybody was done eating and the kitchen was closed so I couldn’t order anything. I was mad because I was hungry. Then we got to the hotel/resort and I was in a group with two of my old friends I haven’t seen in a while. I was taking so long trying to pack my day bag, get dressed, use the bathroom, etc. They were banging on the stall door telling me to hurry up. Everybody was ready but I still had stuff strewn across the bathroom sink. I looked in the mirror and realized my spider bite piercing was falling out. One of my friends ended up just pulling it out easily. I still had my eyebrow piercing. But damn I just kinda wanna take it out, it’s been pissing me off. Everybody was yelling at me because they were ready and I wasn’t. So I put all my stuff in my bag and left to get on the mountain. But as we were leaving as a large group, like a school trip, I realized I left my skis and my shoes in the hotel room. “We’re going back to the room first, right?” I asked my friend nervously. She rolled her eyes. “Yes.” I walked barefoot through the snow until we came to a beautiful mossy/grassy patch. I threw myself into the leaves and breathed to relax. I was playing footsie with one of my old friends — we had been flirting the whole dream, even though in real life I’m pissed at him and haven’t seen him in years. I don’t know where my ex was. I still miss him. The whole dream I was just kinda stressed and did not have my shit together. And I had to wake up before I actually got to ski!