In a large rundown looking area. Walked into a greenhouse. Lots of trash to clean up. I work very hard and successfully clean everything up. There is a ...
Laying in a large bed in a large room with two doors on either side. My boyfriend in the dream is somebody I don’t know in real life. He tells me to kee...
I had a dream that we tried to go to a bar in My home town but got teleported to an alternate mirror dimension full of demons because we drove there in ...
Teresa had to meet her long lost brother in the mountains of Australia. We fly there and he seems kind of weird. But then he turned out great. Her rich ...
Cleaned my basement. It looked so good!!! Wanted to show off to J. Had to play a piano piece in front of the class but I couldn’t sight read the mus...
A family sits in a small crowded living room. The long window above the couch is closed to the boisterous street. Fragrant spices drift from the kitchen...
Had a dream I was getting married to my ex. My mom planned the wedding. I was nervous and a little upset with her. I hadn’t talked to him since we broke...
I was a small child with some sort of powers. There is a creepy witch of the woods who needs to be stopped. This backstory was all explained in the drea...
I was by the ocean. There were lots of ships. I went into a large castle on the coast. It was for 1v1 training to fight with the elements. Some girl cha...
All the kardashians were sick of having their lives on display, so they cancelled their show. Kylie was the only one who wanted to continue. I was watch...
First I was taking an exam for my GIS class. I was partnered with someone. First we were running around town through these cobblestone alleys. Some of...
I got in trouble and ran away from the police. From then on I was a wanted felon. I was hiding in my apartment. For some reason, the police couldn’t com...
I took a weird uber to a party with Emily. We got there earlier than we planned. It was in the forest in a weird concrete building with spray painted wa...
Dreamt i was going on a ski trip. The dream was long but I never actually went skiing. The whole time I was just trying to get up north and get onto the...
Was sleeping next to this guy (in real life). We both woke up at the same time around 5:30 in the morning. He says, “I was just dreaming you were in my...
My friend was getting married unexpectedly. I went to her engagement party. Everybody kept going outside, but I decided not to. I went upstairs and sa...
There was a dark black monster on the streets. Had a huge gaping mouth that just swallowed up anything. It was darkness, so it wanted light. I escaped...
I was trying to ride a bike around my town. I was scared to ride down steep hills. I didn’t want to fall off. I was writing a story and I let me frien...
I went home for fall break. The dirty closet in my dining room was clean and organized so I was happy. I switched in the overhead light, but it was stil...
Had a dream I cut my ponytail off. I thought I could just glue the hair back on. Obviously I can’t do that so I had to accept my new shorter hair. Emi...
Family acquaintances invite my family to their home. It’s this mansion on a large, secluded property. Weird shit starts happening and I get suspicious. ...