I live in a small hotel with my brother’s giant lizard

Date: 12/16/2019

By candy303

It was maybe the 1880s? I was a middle-class woman whose family ran a small hotel by a lake, but I had married into the aristocracy (not entirely sure which country I was in— maybe England?) I was visiting home alone and I was so happy to be in a simpler place, where everyone wasn’t always watching me and judging me. I decided I wanted to help out around the hotel, so I changed into a maid’s uniform (which I had worn every day before I left and became rich) and started walking down the halls. It was an open-air sort of building: the hallway had no wall separating it from the lake, just a railing. This would have been unpleasant in the winter or bad weather, but at the time, there was a clear sky and the temperature was perfect. As I walked past, the sun was setting over the lake and it was absolutely gorgeous. Before I could start doing anything, my 11-12 year old younger brother (only in the dream) pulled me into one of the hotel rooms. In the dream I already knew that he was obsessed with finding weird animals and bringing them back to study. He started pacing across the room, talking about this amazing creature he had just found. Then he yelled “Get the female!” and a big hole appeared in the wall. I asked if he meant the crocodile (he had gotten an enormous crocodile in the past) but he looked at me like an idiot and said “the crocodile was MALE. I said get the FEMALE.” Then he walked directly through the hole in the wall, into the bathroom of the neighboring hotel room, and grabbed something from the bathtub. It was about the size of a four-year-old child, and was shaped like a very fat lizard with the skin of a dolphin. It also had an extremely long tongue and was trying to lick my brother’s face (like a puppy) but he was holding it in a way that made it impossible. He smiled and said “don’t you love her?” and that’s all I remember. This dream is really strange because it came with a lot of background knowledge. Normally I’m just in a situation— I don’t know the backstory, where I’m from, or what I’m doing there. This time, there was a lot of stuff I just KNEW without it ever being explicitly mentioned in the dream: the fact that I had married rich despite being from a middle-class family, the fact that my family ran the hotel, I even knew how I felt about life at the hotel relative to life back where I used to live. I don’t know I’ve ever had a dream where I knew so much at the start.