Makeovers, Bloody Cupboards and a Spooky Twist Ending.

Date: 4/21/2020

By amandalyle

I was giving my friends house a makeover as everything had gone to shit recently and looked like a bomb had hit it. There were woodlice and various insects crawling over everything, so I was carefully wiping everything down. Before I even had chance to finish, she comes rushing through the door, ignoring the fact that everything is starting to look much better now and demands that everyone should get drunk. “Sorry, I don’t fancy it!” I responded, feeling annoyed that she hadn’t even noticed my efforts. Kylie’s mum came over and told me I had done a fab job. This made me feel a little happier. So, on I carried, with the makeover. Next scene; I had made a joke about life after the Coronavirus (I cant remember what it was?!) but my husband thought it was the funniest thing he’d ever heard. He picked me up on his back and started spinning me around like a crazy fool. I was getting really dizzy and was shouting for him to stop. “I’m going to end up smashing my head in!” I yelled. He lost his stepping and we both tumbled into this small cupboard we hadn’t noticed before. We opened the door and there was blood gushing out. It was everywhere. “What the hell is this?” My husband said, shocked by the discovery. I had a vague memory of where the blood had come from... but couldn’t quite grasp hold of it. “I think it’s been there for awhile.” I said. “What? A couple of days?” He asked. “Maybe the weekend before last.” I replied. “I’ll get the hoover”. I hoovered up all the blood and, as I was doing it, I kept hoovering my husband also (as a joke) He didn’t find it amusing. Next scene; We had just moved into this new house (which was partially outdoors?!) We were just settling in, when these random people walking right in. Apparently, one was an estate agent showing another person around. I waved my arms in the air. “Hello, we live here!” I said, but they walked right past me. My husband told me not to worry, they were looking at the house next door. But when I walked outside, there were huge holes in the ground. I walked closer to see that they weren’t just holes. They were graves. There funeral was taking place for those who lost their lives during the Coronavirus. Two of those people being myself and my husband. I shouted to the vicar to tell him he had made a mistake, but he couldn’t hear me. No mistake had been made. We were dead.