Freestyle Uhauling, Screw Face, Dry Water

Date: 10/20/2023

By leusid

I was on a vacation with a bunch of girls or femboys or transfems or feminine gay dudes, or a mixture of some or all of those. It was a nice time but I also kinda wondered if they thought I was weird or shouldn't be part of the group because I wasn't "like them" or something. But everyone was cool to me I'm pretty sure. My girlfriend was black. I'm not sure how much they were supposed to be Blix, but at one point they were stressed out because they thought everyone else wasn't gonna help get ready to go and they would have to either do everything or continuously wrangle other people to do stuff. I said I would help. But then the whole day passed and I'm pretty sure it was the next day and I was like oh shit weren't we supposed to leave yesterday and they were like nah that's today. I was trying to come up a weird narrow wooden stairway in this sorta deck-like structure, and got stabbed in the cheek by this insanely long screw that was sticking out like two feet lol, and I pulled it out and was like wtf this just stabbed me, and someone else was like no it probably just pinched you. Also at some point Sephirra was there and was asking if the water there was dry because if it was too dry she was gonna have to drink some other special water lol. In an earlier dream i saw somebody driving a uhaul with a trailer attached, and the trailer fell off in the street. They kinda slowed down and I thought they had noticed and were gonna go get it, but I tried to honk my horn to let them know. It seemed they didn't notice, also my horn kinda glitched/fizzled out in crackly noise, so I decided to follow them. I was also in a uhaul lol. I thought about trying to attach the trailer and bring it to them, but other people had already pulled it off the road and were doing stuff with it, also it was a boat lol. So I just went to follow the uhaul who'd dropped the trailer. I held onto the outside of the uhaul and started to push and roll it down the street like a skateboard I guess lol. It got going pretty fast pretty quickly. It was hard to steer, I was mostly just kinda leaning and trying to will it to stay centered in the road, but it didn't seem like I actually had much effect. But somehow I was like ok let me crash into this light post to stop and regroup, so I did and it was fine, then I kept going in the same fashion lol. Some teenagers saw me skating/ghost riding this uhaul, so I decided to ollie it lol, so I jumped SUPER fucking high into the air and then landed loudly but otherwise gracefully and kept going. Somehow I eventually got to this place where I lost my uhaul, but then I saw a plane parked in a little hangar/garage/room, and I was like oh maybe that was the guy was he driving a plane? So I called out, no response. I decided to explore this house/building that I was apparently now in, so I was wandering around periodically calling out "hello?". The place was dimly lit and mostly empty, I kept finding these weird empty rooms in a layout that made no sense and they were like unfinished but old, like concrete and plywood but not like a current construction project. I definitely felt like it was creepy, but I decided I would explore a bit more then wake myself up if I felt I needed to. Eventually I did think "alright time to wake UP" and on the "UP" I tried to open my eyes IRL, which worked and I was awake. But then I went back to sleep and had the dream I wrote about at the beginning (which I actually haven't really written much of yet, time to go do that now). Ok done, now lemme try and write about an even earlier dream which I guess I've woken up at least twice since. Ok so I was at some sort of event with some friends, I can't remember what was going on at the event or anything lol.. all I remember is that Emmanuel did something bad and security was trying to find us so we were trying to run away and evade them. I feel like they kept finding and losing us and we were going through all kinds of weird rooms and spaces that I unfortunately don't remember at all. Finally we decided we should leave, so we walked out casually and went to the parking lot. For some reason we kept hanging out at the parking lot for a long time. I found some money under a bench and I exclaimed and grabbed it. Then I saw some more, but Emmanuel also looked under and saw it and I was in a weird position and couldn't reach it in time so he grabbed it instead lol. I was like ok fair enough. Then we saw the security/police/whatever coming toward us in the parking lot and we were like fuck we should have just left! So the cops took everyone away except me, while they were gone I found a shitload more money lol, and I was like omg this is like something that would happen in a dream, I'm glad this is real life! (which is ridiculous cuz I always know I'm dreaming whenever anything potentially threatening is going on, but apparently when I'm finding money all over the place I assume it's real? Lol). Anyway then the cops bring everyone back and another one of our friends was like "guess what was all they had to do to Emmanuel? They just had to pull down his pants and spank his bare ass haha!" And Emmanuel was like that's not what happened. The end.