Back in Time

Date: 7/11/2019

By noofku

I am missing a few details but it makes enough sense. Dream wise, anyway. First, I was texting my ex. I had sent her a message asking her a question, what question I dont know, and it turned into a fight as things always do with her. I get into my car and I'm driving and thinking about how we can never get along. Then suddenly I think.....I'm going to sell this car. Keep in mind I paid for this car completely and owe nothing on it at all. Suddenly, in my passenger seat the man I bought it from is there and telling me all about his car inventory. Then I start saying to myself, "I'm not even selling this car." And it's like he disappeared. I don't remember how exactly but I guess I pulled over? Anyway. I had a book. I dont remember the title or what I read but when I closed the book things looked different. It was still a nice day, things just it dawned on me.....I'm back in time. I went into an older, well kept 2 story building that had stairs everywhere. As I'm wondering around this place I start thinking I'm alone until I see a classroom full of people. I entered in and nobody says anything. The teacher was an older man. I didn't stay in long before everyone got up and left. Now we were all downstairs where I first came in. All the "students" were young. Around 13, 14, 15 maybe. And this girl said "I'm not going back to that next class." Everyone else was saying, "yeah we weren't going either." Then it dawned on I asked, "why are you all here in the middle of summer anyway?" No answer. But I noticed.....some of these kids were young versions of people I went to school with. High school. And considering I noticed now that I myself was like 16 in this added up bc when I met them they were all freshmen and about 2 or 3 years younger than me. I went up to one of them and said....."*name*?" He looked at me. I said, "you're not supposed to meet me for years!" We all left and went to this restaurant, store type place. And I see ex. A young version of her. I speak to her. She doesn't know me but it was like when I first met her. Fell for me in seconds. And she kept asking me for my phone.....I realized......the conversation we had in the past was still on there. I deleted the conversation and gave her my phone. She put her number in and I just knew.....this is my chance to make things right again. And I woke up.