This dream was so strange. The sky was gray. Everything was gloomy. I was inside what looked like a home but I was with several others. Some I knew, som...
I was in a black suit. Kind of like Spiderman but more....future? I was asked by the Guardians of the Galaxy to speak to someone on a planet called Taur...
I dreamt I was walking through a wooded area that wasn't dense. It was also foggy, but I had plenty of room to easily move through the woods. I'm on the...
Idk why, but the dream started like an introduction to a cartoon show. Danny Phantom, to be specific. And i don't know what song, but Nirvana played the...
I had a dream that was Avengers style. I was suited up in a city in New York. There was some monster attacking the city. So, I fly in, and there's 3 or ...
I dreamt I had gotten some old idea. It was on paper. Don't know what it was. Apparently, it was nationally recognized after I sent it in as my own, and...
I had a dream ppl were taking my blood and infusing it with other ppl and they were turned into these villans. Like one was strong, one guy could go inv...
I was in school. I dream about school/classroom settings a lot for some reason. Anyway. I was a teenager, and I was taking some ridiculously confusing t...
I used to work with kids. I had a dream me and the group of kids were going to go to the cafeteria. One of my coworkers started to poke fun at me talki...
Put very simply. I had a dream I was in a not so busy McDonald's and I was naked, and I was happy to be that way. I don't eat fast food or randomly g...
I was in school, but it was in session at really weird times. Like 6pm till whenever, and it was required to go. So, I show up, and nothing is open. The...
I was young. Like teenager 15, 16 years old young. I was with some girl. Pretty. We flirted and hugged until another girl came to the mall (our mall had...
I had this dream I was sleeping somewhere and it was cold. So I wake up bundled up, and I'm fine. A little after waking this guy asks me if I'd talk to ...
It is 4 43 AM 27° F Ive been having some weird, way out of place, dreams lately. Like they are cool. I guess, just....weird. I'll have dreams. I'm at m...
I was working at a pizza place. It was obviously my first time there bc I was being trained by someone I used to work with. I am given this headset to...
Much warmer this evening. 40 degrees F 11 03 pm Not a dream but a memory. I live alone and started dosing when a thought came back. When we were youn...
1 57 a.m. 18 degrees F It's freezing in here. I dreamt I was in the van my dad used to have. Me, my brother and parents. My dad dropped us off in...
I dont mind someone taking a look at my games or dvds or taking them off even, but I do mind when they dont put it back where it came from. Everything ...
Dream July 1 I don't remember exactly why but I was on the phone with someone. It was either someone I didn't know or someone I dont know very well or ...
Im not really sure what is going on but i know ive never experienced it. I havent posted in a while due to fear. It seems crazy. I havent told anyone. I...
2 49 A.M. Around 59°F outside and pouring down rain. In my dream i was outside on my balcony just looking over things. A bit cloudy and I noticed....loo...
Ive mentioned this before. Im a pretty somber person. In my dreams, i change. Im so rude and aggressive. Picking fights, cursing at ppl. Id never do tha...
I live by myself and have for a few years so im used to it and often enjoy my time alone. I sleep on a couch, also done that for years, and im also used...
2 49 a.m. I was with my first wife except we were teenagers again but my first boy was just walking. Her and i were in a weird stage. As in....we weren'...
I was at my parent's home. Idk why. In the dream I felt irritated. Like every small thing was getting to me. I was standing there and looked out and my ...
The dream started out with only a voice. It was explaining the simple Jumanji rules. Roll dice, move the piece. Suddenly I was standing in my mom's bedr...
I am missing a few details but it makes enough sense. Dream wise, anyway. First, I was texting my ex. I had sent her a message asking her a question, w...
A story about how every small thing in my life is turned around into the worst thing to ever happen in human history.
I was in this dream but it was like I was watching most if it. I was there but mostly silent. So this mom, me and her child and an adopted kid were all ...
I dreamt I was driving my car I have now but I was younger. I was on the county roads lost, drinking and driving. In my dream I called someone who gave ...
I dreamt I walked into a home. It was a strange stone house. To give an was a mixture between a hobbit hole and a house from Markarth in Sk...
There used to be a pawn shop in the town I grew up in. I dreamt I was there with my mom. I was like 14. This place in my dream is now extremely huge wit...
Bc of work I havent slept the same recently. I'm in bed early and awake early. Usually 9 p.m. and up at 4 a.m. Yesterday, I fell asleep at 7 p.m. and w...
2 49 a.m. I had a dream ibwas a kid again. Like 10 or 12. In this dream it started off with me choosing a setting. I chose a swamp/country area and I w...
Backstory- I used to work in a retail warehouse. I had a dream I was in some type of thrift store. The store looked like the warehouse i worked in but t...
4 43 a.m. I felt weird when I woke up. I dreamt a regular dream. Mostly. My home was the same. Mostly. Except that I had to pay to use my wash room. Th...
I dreamt I was younger and I met a blonde girl at a hospital named megan. I know we really liked each other. She said she was new to the area and didnt...
I dreamt I was in some of weird time loop. I was on earth at like...16 years old. I was at school. I went to my locker and inside was a box. A box too b...
So, recently I've given thoughts on getting an actual bed. Been on a floor for 3 years, moved into my home and got on the couch for like...6 years. I la...
This was really weird. I had fallen asleep later than usual. Around 11 p.m. I dreamt I was in a home that my brain said was mine. Only like 3 rooms actu...
It is now 2:03 AM, 23°F. It is cold here where I am but I like cold. I even turn my fan on still for a little noise and air. I laid down on my trusty c...
I dreamt I had sat up on my couch (which is also my bed) and I looked down at my hands. They looked red and bubbled with blisters as if they had been bu...
When I was younger, around 17, I was married. Where I am from you need parental consent and that is it. So. we were married June 6th and that July, we w...
Well. This is a part bc I dont remember all but I dreamt I was at some sort of school or big lodge...? Anyway. I'm just sitting at a table and it is win...
this was when I was a kid, probably like 7. My older brother would be about 8. So, we used to share a room but then when I was around 6, we split. He we...
I was laying down. I dreamt I was awake just laying g in bed with my cell beside me. I got a call. It was a lady from the job I've applied for twice now...
I swear I'm not making this is. I cannot Express enough how sincere I am. So I'm with this gangster type guy but he is like the Donnie Brasco type. A bi...
I dreamt I was at the hospital. It was for drug and emotional recovery. For some reason my mom was there. I asked my dad why. He just kept walking and w...
I dreamt I was on my way to work but I saw this thrift shop like place and stopped. I walk in and see some shirts folded on some racks. another guy was ...
I thought about being on a building. When I slept I dreamt I was tossing and turning on top of a building. I knew it was a dream. I thought, I'm going t...
I had a dream I was in Super Mario. The Super Nintendo version. Along the was Saving Private Ryan war style. We had to brutally ...
I dreamt I was held up in my home. Children and family were with me. I peek around a corner and see one guy holding a rifle against a person's head. He ...
Tip- to recall a dream better, talk as if you are in the present vs the past... I'm on some sort of cooking show. There are several people on the red te...
This dream was yesterday night. Hopefully I remember enough to tell this. First off, behind my home is a large wooded area. Now! I was in my living roo...
Cant make this up. I was the ring bearer like Frodo in LotR. Gandalf was front, I was on his back and the rest of the fellowship were behind. He was car...
I had a dream I was one of the jokers on the TruTV show Impractical Jokers. I'm not sure what bit we were doing all i remember is seeing those guys and ...
This is a true story and also a dream I had last night from when i was younger. When I was like 10 my mornings were the same. Pretty much. Like on week...
I am here to listen. My dreams....mheko me. please
I dreamt I was at work. I was leaving walking toward the door. I walk out to the lot that was nearly empty. Near my car was a person with a toy box, a l...
I had a dream I had woken up. On my wall were photos of people I haven't seen in a while. I would look at the picture and say the persons name or relati...
I've been having these dreams where I lose things. One dream my phone was stolen, then another I lost my keys and last night night I had lost something....
Side note, I've been sober for 4 years now. I used to drink. A lot. Anyway, I dreamt I was with my mom. We were driving along and pulled over at a truck...
Not sure why but I dreamt my cell was stolen.
I dreamt I went on a trip. We were at a lake area with a big RV. One of the campers with me was James from Cinemassacre on YouTube. Famous for being the...