Date: 4/1/2018
By belle7244
There was a party at trump’s house and my family took my best friend Erin. The house was in the middle of a town and wasn’t too huge. The first floor extended halfway, there were stairs and a ladder going down, and the bottom floor took up the other half of this large room. The top floor had food and the bottom floor had a bar where all the celebrities were. Erin and I talked to some of my other friends and celebrities kept showing up. The Rock showed up and Erin was ecstatic. We watched them talk to Trump, who we didn’t dare say anything to. People were escorted out if they said the wrong thing, and we weren’t taking any chances. Erin and I went upstairs to get food. We both got a small plate of wings. After we finished and we’re about to climb down the ladder to see my friends again, I slipped and broke a chair upstairs. I yelled “I HATE THIS” right as the huge room got silent. The woman, who looked like someone’s young grandma or old aunt, seemed to be coming towards me. Erin and I were worried she was going to come up and escort us out, but trump made the announcement before she could. All children were to go into the play room to watch The Rock read Trump’s young daughter a bedtime story, and the adults were to follow him down the hallway for drinks. Everyone left and Erin and I stayed for a minute to tend to my hurt leg and to fix the chair. We rushed downstairs and into a colorful playroom, filled with large balls that weren’t all spherical, some cubes and some prisms. There was a half circle around The Rock and Trump’s daughter, who were front and center. The Rock was reading and everyone else was silent. Erin and I sat down quietly. The Rock said something that really ticked off the little Trump girl, causing her to throw both a tantrum and a bunch of glass vases. They shattered on the ground loudly, but no one said anything due to everyone being afraid. I let something snarky slip out of my mouth quietly, but she still heard. I shielded myself with a pillow as I watched her go to chuck a vase at me. The vase shattered in front of me, but I was unharmed. I heard whimpering next to me. I saw Erin had been laying down and was not protected by my pillow. I mouthed “what’s wrong?” And she mouthed back something like “it got my right eye”. We got up and went to a bathroom. There was a lady in the bathroom who might’ve been Lisa Kudrow. Her hair was done up in a towel and she was dressed in a robe. The room was foggy with steam. She asked us something like “what, you’ve never seen someone get out of a shower before?” We ignored her and I turned on the light. I pulled back Erin’s eyelid to find a shard of glass resting on her eye. I was able to take it off with ease, as it hadn’t gotten stuck inside her eye. We left the bathroom and Lisa Kudrow to find that everyone was back into the large two story room. We went to go up the stairs, but we heard rumbling. Out of the small hallway the adults had just come from came a large rush of water. Erin and I ran upstairs and helped get all the little kids out and everyone else followed. We all went out of the house, but for some reason the only people that seemed to be outside were all the children, Erin, my family, and me. I asked me mom “can we leave?” and she said “yeah let’s go”. We got into the car and drove off.