The Great British Baking Show

Date: 11/2/2019

By candy303

I was watching the Great British Baking Show in the town where they actually filmed it (in the dream, instead of Paul and Prue judging it, they had the people of the town vote) and one of the contestants dropped out, so I was chosen to replace him even though I’m American and have no baking experience. I was terrified for good reason, but I actually did well somehow, and came in second in the technical. When they were about to judge our signatures, the town came under attack (I don’t know who was attacking, but it was clearly something the townspeople were used to) and everyone fled. We were all running down the hallway when someone yelled “the Screams!!” and everyone started sprinting. Apparently the Screams were some weapon the enemy had, little balls of fire that chased after people, and when they touched them made them burn to death slowly. If someone who had touched a Scream touched another person, the fire also caught onto that person and they started burning. I was running away but couldn’t go as fast as everyone else, so one of the Screams caught me. In the dream it REALLY hurt, but I was careful not to touch anyone because I remembered what I had been told. I made it outside, where the streets were basically empty except for Seamus, who was there for some reason and also had a shotgun. He looked at me and shot me without showing any signs of difficulty or sadness, and I knew he had to do it, but I was kind of pissed that he wasn’t a little bit distraught about it. The last thing I remember is looking down on my body as if from above, bleeding out on an empty street.