Headed home

Date: 11/5/2021

By thetruecall

I’m out with a group of girls I’m friends with in the dream. I think one of them might be Angie. We’re in a car on our way home listening to music. I really like all the songs being played in the car. I tell the driver I like the music she’s playing. I haven’t heard the music before but it’s really my style. I’m very attracted to the girl driving. She seems to be someone I haven’t met until this night, she is a friend of my friends. At some point we’re not in a car anymore, but we’re walking to someone’s apartment (I think it might be my apartment in the dream, not sure, it’s not somewhere I ever lived irl). We’re walking through an area near a university where lots of students live. Like the student ghetto in Lawrence to the east of the KU campus (ie ohio, Tennessee, Kentucky streets). I’m so happy to be out with these girls. We’re having a great time. I feel giddy, euphoric. It’s exhilarating walking through the cool night air. Just the right amount of post-bar drunk. We’re laughing and feel so happy to be together. Everyone is talking and brimming with drunken confidence. I’m really attracted to the girl who was driving. She’s blond and tall, and maybe a couple years older than the rest of us (we all seem to be college age or so in the dream). She doesn’t look like anyone I know IRL. I have a lingering image of her in my head, and I’m already sad to know that I’ll soon forget it. We walk past a couple old churches that are in disrepair. We all think it’s a shame that such nice buildings are in such poor condition, but realize there’s probably no point in fixing them up because very few of the students who live nearby would attend church. At some point Angie and the other girls are gone and it’s just me and the blond girl I like. We walk down a narrow alleyway and turn left onto a sidewalk leading to the apartment. The girl says a couple times that she’s just coming up to grab something and then she has to leave. I feel a little bummed that she’s so obviously letting me know that she’s not doing anything with me when we get there, but I know she’s trying to be sweet about it. I’m still happy to be with her even if it’s just for a little bit longer, and I’m determined to not do anything that would make her uncomfortable. When we walk into the apartment I notice mattresses on the floor and it looks like a group of people have been sleeping over. I’m suddenly tired and I fall down onto one of the mattresses. For some reason it occurs to one of us that some personal item has been forgotten somewhere when we were out so we decide to leave the apartment and go get it. We leave the apartment and turn to walk down the sidewalk when a group of college guys walks past us and one of them bumps against my shoulder. He gets mad and tries to start a fight with me.