Date: 1/23/2025
By leusid
I was at Sambrose's house and it was this sprawling house with ridiculous luxurious stuff, including several rooms that were just various kinds of baths/pools. Like the majority of the floorspace of a room sunken down like 4 feet and full of warm water but also like pillows and stuff like cozy underwater couches. Also they had a big field full of springy dead grass that we were just running around. The field seemed to be surrounded by void so it felt oddly.. indoors-ish? In a later dream my mom was driving a go-kart pulling me behind her in basically like a wagon with good tires lol, and there was a long rope connecting us. Eventually she was driving basically straight up a cliff and even exceeded a 90 degree angle at one point but I guess I chalked it up to really good traction lol. Then she started coming to a stop right after she got to the top and I was still like off the cliff and she ended up going far enough that I could just barely grab onto something but I was basically dangling over my demise and my mom didn't seem too concerned. She said I should tie this rope to myself and she would tie it to herself in case I fell but I was like mom I weigh more than you then we'll just both die! And then I finally just climbed up.