Date: 1/12/2020
By JourneyT
Vaping was more than just hurting your body in this dream, it led you to a whole nother plane of life. You could smell people, tell what they had on them, read them (almost like intuition, but accurate), and just vibe better. I had a friend who was into it and I wanted to get in on his little cult. The process was extremely dangerous because it meant you must lay on your back while someone pours the vape juices into your throat. You must then choke on it and hope the vape deities accept you into your new life, if not, the mortality rate is high. So I went forth with this process. Unfortunately, since I was getting this for free (because of my friend) we couldn’t use vape juices alone, it had to be mixed with the earth (meaning dirt). This was an unpleasant process but thankfully it worked! The next step was joining the community. I followed the directions I was given to a hidden little place in the city and found a beautiful, yet fairly small, white church. The pews were full so some people stood and chattered amongst themselves. Luckily I saw my friend Matthew, to me this felt more reassuring than strange. Matthew was a very devoted Christian which made me wonder why he switched to such a permanent opposition. He never answered my question, but we talked and soon enough it was time to go. A sense of trust was built in a matter of hours, it must have been the new gods. He felt safe enough with me; because of this he invited me to his home. I accepted, and I’m glad I did. We caught up on life, memories, and new ones to form. I used to love Matthew, although it wasn’t requited, you could say it was a crush but I felt it was deeper than that; this gave us both a chance to see each other for the first time in real view. Early into the morning we finally felt tired and it was time for me to go, whether I saw him again or not is up to the mind.