My highschool decided to renovate the teacher info section of their main website. In celebration they hosted a day of celebration to rejoice at how nice...
Vaping was more than just hurting your body in this dream, it led you to a whole nother plane of life. You could smell people, tell what they had on the...
At the beginning, I was living in my own apartment but then again I wasn't? I had two homes: one I shared with two parents and their young daughter, and...
This story is just as the title sounds; I was with a group of young twenty year olds, and a man told us to go get super suits on. Turns out that only on...
Last night I was ordered to go to different Planets in our Galaxy and destroy inhabitable planets. Generally, when someone says "aye, if a planet is sup...
I'm not fully sure how it started out but I'll start at the part I remember. I was watching these kids that where living in like a contemporary very m...
There was a killer on the loose who would stab people by the hundreds all at once. My mother was a victim of yesterday's massacre. I went to the sight ...