Bob's Black Hole

Date: 8/24/2020

By leusid

Janette asked me if she was looking nice and broad or something, I was confused but affirmed her and said hell yeah broad af lol. She laid down on top of me, kinda like we were spooning except vertically. I was surprised but I rolled with it, I put my arms around her. It was nice, as physical affection tends to be. She said something like "you're always so sweet, I don't know why people give you a hard time." I felt appreciated and thanked her. Shortly after, I was walking up a hill on a road with Meagh. I was telling her about the nice things Janette said, and Meagh said something kinda dismissive that I don't remember. I said something else I don't remember but it involved "I wonder" something, and she said "you don't wonder." Somehow I was exceptionally offended by that and yelled "fuck you!" and turned to run away. I jumped down the hill and was like falling down and moving forward at the perfect speed so that I just ended up hovering above the ground as I floated downhill. It must have been the road near the old stomping grounds because I turned the corner and was gliding past Bob's house. I was on rollerblades now, and going really fast and turning sharply, which was alarming. I ended up gliding sideways like it was ice skates, and that worked until I hit the curb. I let my right foot flop up to the side so my momentum could carry on, and raised my left foot so it wouldn't hit the curb too. I flew down into Bob's yard and landed in the grass. I tried to walk back up to the road, but I kept sliding further down. It was dark, middle of the night it seemed. I really hoped nobody saw me here before I managed to get out. I stopped and took off my skates so I could walk back up. Somehow I figured I needed to walk down just a little further so I could go underneath this deck/outdoor staircase thing for some reason lol, so I did that, really hoping nobody would see me. I'm not sure how this transition happened, but I was literally in Bob's house now, in the basement or something I guess. I was like fuuuuck I gotta get out of here! Damn I'm like passing back out irl as I try to write this. Anyway, I'm trying to leave, but I hear commotion, somehow I hear that they're letting someone in the house. I get to the door to try to leave, and it opens and strangers start to walk in and I scream! They're unfazed and laugh, saying something like "haha they didn't tell us the last guests hadn't checked out yet!" I tried to roll with it and be like yep I'm just leaving, see ya! I don't remember if anything else happened after that. But that theme of getting stuck/pulled in to Bob's property has been in my dreams a weird amount of times lol.