Digital art, Search for hidden tokens and avoid Xenomorphs while exploring a vast concrete structure.

The search

Date: 7/8/2021

By thetruecall

I was part of some sort of law enforcement unit I think. We are in training. We are tasked with practicing how to conduct a search. We enter a massive structure that contains a maze of rooms and hallways. It seems the structure is made of concrete. We are to search everything and find as many hidden tokens as we can. The tokens are like little slips of paper with designs on them. The maze goes on and on. There is a group of us, but the structure is so vast we become spread out. It feels like I’ve had to do this test before. Like this is a yearly exercise or something. I vaguely recollect certain areas with lots of tokens and I move ahead to search for them. To make the test more demanding, there are xenomorphs (from the movie Alien) located throughout the maze. We can spend time fighting the xenomorphs if we wish, but I try to avoid them and focus on finding tokens. At some locations there are circular metal hatches with tunnels leading to the xenomorphs, but I try to move past them quickly. At one point I close and seal a hatch when I realize xenomorphs are trying to get through. I’m searching rooms and looking through books ad clothes. As I find tokens, I set them out on tables/ledges where theyre visible. I decide to move away from the group I’m with and start walking deeper and deeper into the maze. I walk past/ through room after room. I’m trying to find an area where no one else has been. I come to a familiar room and encounter a girl who looks like Zoe Deschanel. We look through a book together and find passages we’ve previously written in ink in the margins of the pages. The writings appear to have some personal or romantic significance for us. I think I try to take a picture of the passages because we can’t take the book with us. We are at the end of the maze and a yellow bus is waiting to pick us up. The bus is parked next to a body of water. Some large dangerous animal is in the water and we have to avoid it. Someone goes into the water and is attacked. As I’m walking to the bus a large elephant appears in front of me and begins approaching me. I definitely feel like I’m in danger and I try to hide behind a tree. The elephant follows me around the tree. At some point I reach out and touch the front of the elephant’s trunk. I’m still nervous, but the elephant does not attack.