Utopia girls vacation

Date: 6/7/2018

By thehumblegoddess

Dreamed I was driving to go on vacation with my friend. There were supposedly 7 of us. Tiara ended up going too. When I got there it was like20 girls there and we were in a big beautiful room. The room had huge couches for us to sleep in and every type of food you could dream of. I saw jasmine my king lost friend she arrived with a different group of girls. I ran up to her and hugged her and she pushed me off of her and looked at me funny. I said jasmine it’s me I’ve been looking for you I thought something terrible happened to you. she said well idk you like that to be hugging you. I felt bad but she was right I hadn’t seen her in years. I walked away and saw the pool I went out and wondered if we could go there yet. One of the women on the trip said we could do whatever we want. More drama happened at the pool idr. Then I go back to the room to tell Tiara the things that are happening. I see Dylan’s new gf making some crazy post on fb while she’s on the phone with him. It’s like every girl i ever knew was here and they were all at war with each other. I started explaining this to Tiara while we stuffed our faces. We were tasting one of each of every food. This guy came up to us and started asking us questions. We were explaining to him what was going on and he said something like you can’t control this utopia.