Dreamed that all the neighborhood cats were being adopted and I was so happy.
Dreamed I was at Raiths house and had a vivid dream . Me and Jerome were there helping her clean her room. She looked like a fairly but even prettier. S...
Dreamed Taylor swift asked me to come sing at her concert with her. I was so excited and knew this is the moment my life changed. I imagined making a vi...
Dreamed tiara was renting a big mansion for $2600 a month. It was huge and green. We were walking all around inside and saying how crazy it was that she...
Dreamed I was skateboarding And meet two kids. They came to my house and we were playing around. Their mom came and I offered to baby sit them sometimes
Dreamed I was with Tiffany and Ms. Dee. Tiffany was sad because she didn’t have any money. Ms. D had given her a box of money but she was still sad. I w...
Dreamed I had a snail/hamster. Everywhere it went it left gooey slime but I loved it so much. It was like suctioning my hand to help itself fall asleep....
Dreamed I was having a big party in the basement. I was also offering sessions the next day. The cops came and were causing trouble. They came the next ...
Dreamed Jerome’s mom was telling me how she loved string music and how beautiful it was. I was so excited telling her how I loved the piano and how I wa...
Dreamed I went to Chelsea’s party. A cheerleading team came in to say hi and one of them stopped and talked to me. She was super sweet and we talked abo...
Dreamed me and Jerome were in the car driving and we kept going to wrong direction. I realized I may be dreaming but it felt so real I thought I wasn't ...
Dreamed I was outside looking at the moon. I turned around and saw there was another moon behind me. I was confused as to why there were two moons and w...
My first dream I am meeting up with Austin to talk. I am following him home and for some reason he is living in my parents old house. While I'm getting ...
Dreamed I had put the wrong destination on my Uber and was trying to change it. I was in the wrong car too and was wondering why he hadn't said anything...
Something happened that made me question if I was dreaming. I look at my hands and had 5 fingers but my hand looked funny and I could tell I was dreamin...
Dreamed I was on vacation with my sister and parents. Me and Alicia were by the pool and the baby was there surrounded by girls and doing tricks. Alicia...
Dreamed I went home and had a whole blunt waiting on me. I smoked it and had another half a blunt. I went and looked at the weed licia left me and it w...
Dreamed I was at my old apartment and there was a group of dudes outside. I went inside and I heard them trying to hurry up and see what I had in the ap...
Dreamed I had bought some weed when I looked at it at home I had 2 purple nuggets. I thought I had bought green weed. I looked again and the bag was fu...
dreamed I was at home smoking with Alicia and Brandon and tiara. My crush text me and said he was here to open the door. I did and he had a big ass popc...
Dreamed i was at my parents house we had a big wrap around porch. I was out there smoking a blunt and my mum comes and is upset with me. She says look a...
Dreamed I asked my manager for 20 dollars he gave me 60 instead lol
Dreamed I kissed rell and his friend tried to kiss me too but I moved so his kiss landed on my cheek
Dreamed I was dealing with this snake. Someone was with me and the snake was jerking around trying to bite them. I was controlling it pretty well and pu...
Dreamed I was at Gabrielle unions house congratulating her and Dwayne wade on their baby.
Dreamed I was at my parents house and Courtney was outside. I went to hug him and he picked me up. I invited him inside and we started taking and catchi...
Dreamed I was a flight attendant dealing with customers on the plane
Dreamed me and my mom and my sis were at some house drinking juice. The dude went to refill our drinks and when he gave them back they had a weird taste...
Dreamed I was traveling as a flight attendant a couple of time
Dreamed I worked with courtney. He came up to me and told me we need to say hi to each other. I said he needs to speak to me first.
Dreamed me and Austin were watching my mom and her friend stand on the counters and make margaritas. Then my dad and the husband were jumping in this hu...
Dreamed sun was coming back from her vacation n was having a group photo taken at the airport. I stood to the side to get out the way. She invited me in...
I dreamed I was teaching two girls (my sis and tiara?) that they are enough and we all felt so much better. They asked what else they could say I told t...
Dreamed i was in front of this white blank energy field. I was sticking my fingers into the field and knew my fingers were going into the future. But th...
Dreamed I woke up and my post on ig had 900 likes. I kept checking to make sure it was my post and it was. Super cool.
Dreamed me and Alicia and Amiyah were watching a show in the bathroom. I was saying I wished Amiyah would get bigger so we could hang out but I realized...
Dreamed amiyah kept changing into a diff little girl. There was a puppy here and she loved it she layed her head on the puppy and was following it aroun...
Dreamed mommy was talking to Alicia telling her not to spend all her money. I was telling her she didn’t need to tell her what to do she was going to do...
Dreamed I was at a kickback wishing we had some weed. All the sudden a dude stood up and sold some to another guy at the party. I went to him and he had...
Dreamed I was in Chicago with my family. I was so amazed that I had actually manifested a way to get there.
Dreamed I was driving to go on vacation with my friend. There were supposedly 7 of us. Tiara ended up going too. When I got there it was like20 girls th...
Dreamed I was making my other ex do push ups
Dreamed I was at a casino and saw Lamont. We were in an elevator and he picked me up. I let him hold me and we were talking. I looked over and saw my da...
Dreamed I was with my best friend kortni. She had rolled us a blunt and we were going to go smoke. She asked me if I had any weed and I said no but I wa...
Dreamed I was in a relationship with a guy and a girl. We were all all over each other. I think at the end they were plotting to kick me out
Dreamed my family and I were living in a house with another family. The kids in the house were scared of a monster and didn’t want to use the bathroom. ...
Dreamed I was dropping Smack off at a doggy daycare to go on vacation. It was run by Sabrina and her brothers and sisters. It was packed with kids and d...
Dreamed Nathan was here for Amiyah’s bday and ate half of Amiyah’s birthday cake before her bday. Then I dreamed I went to a dinner for thanks giving in...
Dreamed it was my birthday. Jasmine got me a stack of birthday cards and put them in front of me. I opened the first one and pulled out 100 dollars. I g...
Dreamed I was outside feeling really good. I felt so calm I said I may be dreaming. I didn’t really think I was but I checked and had six fingers. I jum...
Dreamed I was watching a movie with a friend in the movie this guy was killing someone with a hair dryer because they killed his friend.
Dreamed i was on vacation and was leaving. I was in a huge mansion and was thinking how this was about to be my life. I got to the airport and it was ex...
I was doing something and suddenly considered I could be dreaming. I looked at my hand and saw 6 fingers. I was trying to show Alicia that I was dreamin...
Dreamed me and Austin lived in a city. I walked around the corner to the store and saw smack in the store. I figured he escaped from home and I was goin...
Dreamed me and tiara were on summer vacation. It was hot af outside idk how that in itself didn’t make me go lucid. We had come from some mans house idr...
Dreamed i was telling chelsea about my group text dream. I was telling her how I dream about our high school selves all the time and in my dream I was h...
Dreamed I was in a group chat with kandace and some other girls. She said something mean to me idr what. I typed a response cursing her out. I didn’t se...
Dreamed I was in my room and there were so many dolls in my room. I thought why do I have so many dolls in here I could be dreaming. As usual my dream f...
Dreamed I was at Uncle julios and got a phone call from something 4141 and it was an expensive restaurant that wanted to hire me. I got really happy but...
Dreamed Robyn was at my house. We were sitting on my bed talking. I wondered when we started talking again since we haven’t spoken in months. She asked ...
Dreamed I had new black gloves
Dreamed I was making pb&j sandwiches. I had 3 different things of jelly but all of them were almost gone
Dreamed I was really abundant. Money was coming to me from everywhere. My mom was saying how some people never sent her her cards back and then she said...
Dreamed smack was talking. He said a sentence to me and I was shocked and asked Austin if he’d heard it he said no. Smack then talked again. I think he ...
Dreamed I was getting a new wallet
Dreamed I dyed my hair bright red
Dreamed I was at home again with my bro and sis and parents. My mom left and my bro immediately told me to get up so we could smoke. I felt uneasy in my...
Dreamed I was serving Kelsey’s parents. They weren’t really her parents but in my dream they were. We all were living or staying at a hotel or apartment...
Dreamed me my brother and sister were at my parents house. My parents kept getting into arguments. My mom was worried about the house not being cleaned ...
Dreamed me and tiara and gabby were together somewhere and there was another Gabby. They didn’t like each other and were competing for tiara. They seem...
Dreamed I was at tamis house or her parents and Keith was there alive. He and I were talking about music he was cooking and looked really happy and heal...
Dreamed I was having a house party with kortni but there were two kortnis. And I was hoping they wouldn’t be jealous of each other. They were both reall...
Dreamed I was at work and the sections were really weird. Of course I had already been sat and was behind in my dream. My double came to work and I was ...
Dreamed I had my hair out and wild but it was cute. Everyone was talking shit about it though asking me why didn’t I pin it here or do it this way. But ...
Dreamed me and my sibs were smoking blunts. Felt very real. I think I was going to tel them how it felt like I had dreamed that before
Dreamed I went to the leasing office to get some cream for smack. When me and the apartment lady got back the door was cracked and pharaoh and smack had...
Dreamed I had “Om” body wash
Dreamed I was eating a huge delicious burger 🍔
Dreamed I lived in apartments with this little girl she was lost so I was taking her home. When we got to her house I saw that her parents were strung o...
Dreamed smack chewed Austin’s shoe to shreds
Dreamed I was at Evans bday party and all her friends were there fucked up. Everyone’s eyes were low. I think I said they were sleepy but I knew they we...
Dreamed I was taking a big party with my coworkers and the party was really wack and boring. They all had separate checks and my coworkers were frustra...
Dreamed me and gabby came home from working out. Something made me realize I was dreaming I counted my fingers and had 6 or 7. I was really excited to f...
Dreamed I was visiting Olive Garden they were telling me Richard doesn't work there anymore. Was talking to Dylan and some others.
Something grabbed my ankles and jerked me awake. I thought it was my bf but he was sleeping next to me. I thought maybe my dog just brushed against me b...
Dreamed Amiyah was speaking to me in full sentences
Dreamed I was at a water park and I wanted to dive in but I don't think I did.
Dreamed I was looking in the mirror and looked really skinny. I was happy and went to take a couple shots of apple cider vinegar to continue the process.
Dreamed I was working at Olive Garden. I saw Obaid there. I asked him what he was doing there. He told me he was working. I knew then that I was dreamin...
Dreamed I was living with my mom dad brother and sister again. We were sleeping but I'd gotten up. I heard my dad and mom talking downstairs. My dad sai...
I was in school and was deciding whether to do my homework at school or at home.
Dreamed I was going to the store for my mom who was supposed to be going for my sister. I went to Alicia's room to see what she wanted. She had a new ba...
Dreamed kortni came to work at Uncle julios with me. Terraino was in her face talking she seemed annoyed. I was so happy she was there. She was saying h...
Dreamed I saw the sun and the moon in the sky again together. When I first looked it look like there were two moons. I saw they were overlapping each ot...
Dreamed I was in a hotel with some friends we were in a lobby. I think I was walking with Austin and I saw Chelsea Brooke's. I told her I was hanging ou...
Dreamed Kala was calling me over and over and again. I picked up and was doing something or sleeping. She said u must be really busy and I said I am but...
Dreamed me and Alicia were in a beauty supply. I called out to her to help me pick which product to get. I remember touching one and it was wet as if s...
Dreamed me and my sibs were smoking blunts
Dreamed I was in a grocery store and someone was telling me how everyone is wearing masks
Dreamed tiara was signing to gabby and I was trying to figure out what she was saying. I think she didnt want me to know what she was saying.