Date: 7/5/2020
By lucysdreams
Yasmina and I were on a rooftop bar and after the night we took M. We were just having a couple drinks and talking about how Ruby gave us the idea to protect ourselves with the evil eye symbol. Lyndsey, Olga, Angus and Ella walked up and met us on the bar and we basically just talked about M. Angus and Ella said people kept touching them without their consent when they were on it and we were shocked, they said that people wrote things all over them and when they woke up the next morning they went through and read everything written on them. Yasmina and I talked about how our experience was different and then something Ruby had suggested to us. She gave us this nail polish that would change according to mood. So red = angry, yellow = happy and so on. We just fucked around with it and imagined different scenarios where it could be useful but also force you to be honest when you don’t want to be.