Violence at the Presentations

Date: 6/18/2020

By leusid

Right before I woke up, we gathered for some kind of meeting or.. I guess more of a presentation cuz we were all sitting in basically a small crowd facing the same direction toward where I assume someone was up there talking? Or maybe we were watching something? Anyway!.. I'm sitting there obviously not really paying attention, and I see this thing flying in the distance. It looks like a weird hybrid of an elephant and an alligator but bigger than both and with huge wings kinda like a dragon's I guess. I said Julian look at that bird look at that bird look at that bird look at that bird repeatedly, and realized as it was almost out of sight that I probably should be saying something more like look at the dragon? or what the fuck is that crazy ass shit flying around out there?? I think Julian saw it at the last minute and was like wtf is that!? And I'm like right?? I'm sitting there thinking damn are we just gonna accept that that just happened, the world is so weird that when we can't explain something we experience we just take it in stride.. then I'm also thinking like also maybe this is a dream and everything just seems more normal than it should? Shortly after, another one started flying across the sky in the same direction, or maybe it was the same one circling back lol, but this time it seemed to notice us and start heading our way. Everyone was getting more nervous as it approached obviously. Eventually it got so close and we saw it was diving on us, it made some kind of crazy dragon roar/shriek as it snatched up one or more audience members from their chairs in its mouth, only a few seats down from where I was sitting, then flew back up. Everyone is freaking out now obviously. We're like do we just get down low below our chairs and hope he doesn't get us? Somebody who either knew about these things or googled it said we need to split up and spread out, run! So I started running, I ran in a full circle around the inner perimeter of the building and ended up back at the meeting room and I was like fuck lol, then I started going down some stairs, feeling unsure whether this was really gonna be good enough to keep me safe. Then I was like ah fine I'll just wake up, so I did. Earlier before that, the only other thing I remember is being at another meeting presentation thing. I saw some guy wrapping a mysterious and malicious seeming "gift" and signing it with my name! So I was like oh fuck who's this mother fucker, I don't remember exactly how this happened but somehow I stopped him and was like Davie G! (who I guess had been leading the presentation) look at what this guy is doing? Davie picked it up and it was a severed head, he made a face like he was just touching something gross and just tossed it aside lol, then went to read the message. That's all I remember. There was also some stuff about Big T and.. videogames?