Bedpost in My Mouth for YouTube lol

Date: 3/5/2021

By leusid

Eight of us were sitting on the seats of a wheelbarrow, which makes no sense obviously, but I think it had like built in bench seats lol. Ciara was on my left meagh was on my right and it think my mom was to her right. Across from us probably Jacob, julian, Rachel, and some eighth person lol who was probably just one of those seven again lmao. We also had like a restaurant booth around us behind each row of people, a wall to my right, and then to my left they backed up like another side of a booth so we were like totally closed in. It felt very cozy being packed together and closed in, and I mentioned that. Nobody else said anything. I guess the wheelbarrow had a surface cuz we were about to play a game, but then I felt like the seating wasn't gonna work or something for some reason. So I was like brb and took the wheelbarrow off to the side and.. I can't remember what I did exactly but let's just say I was beating it up lol. At some point I remember spending a long time trying to tie myself up lol. Then later I was sitting around a more normal table playing some kind of question and answer game with people I didn't know, but we were getting very snuggly, I was leaning really far left and the girl to my right was fully laying on me and resting her cheek on my cheek lol and I had my arm around her. Then I think I also left that situation for some reason. And before I woke up, I was like on the streets and there were these like wooden bedposts protruding down from some kind of overhang and so I put the end of one in my mouth lol, and some guy ran up and tried to film me but he missed it and I was like too bad haha.. Should I do it again? He said sure and I said what are you gonna give me and he seemed confused and I was like money? If you're gonna post this and make money off it maybe it's worth something to you? And he said "if I offer you're gonna counter offer?" And I said sure which idk if that's the right move lol, so he said $73 and then we talked about something else for a sec then I said $100 and he agreed. Then I was trying to find the bed post thing but the only one I could find was huge and there was no was I could fit my mouth around, so I tried to find the original one, I was going up and down the aisle but none of them looked right, so I was like sheeit maybe it was one of these maybe I can do it, but then suddenly all the posts and the overhang were gone like they'd been carted away and I was like wtf are they just gone and the guy was like yeah lmao and then we laughed a bunch for some reason lol.