Date: 8/30/2020
By leusid
There was a group of seemingly mostly the same people that just kept being transported from location to location, and at each location some of us would be humans and some of us would be zombies, and we'd just walk/run around trying to kill/eat each other, depending. It wasn't immediately clear who was and wasn't a zombie. I was a human every time, I believe. I remember the last round before I woke up just now, I wrestled a knife from a dude who looked vaguely like Jonah Hill, and he was mad and trying to attack me, but I knew he was a human so I was just trying to hold him back. Then this girl who I recognized at the time was in the corner next to us with a knife of her own, and I was like hey can you stab this guy real quick? She was hesitant, and I was like not to death or anything just a quick little BOOP y'know? She reluctantly gave him a little stabby stab in the leg, and he recoiled away from us. I was like "yeah now GET outta here. I turned back to the girl and said thanks, good to see you! and smiled, then we went our separate ways. This location was a relatively small house, might've been my grandma's and grandpa's/brother's and sister-in-law's old house. I walked away from the girl as everyone dispersed. There weren't that many people left. A couple people walked into the bathroom then back out. I cut off one person, an old lady, and asked her what's going on. I backed her into the bathroom and up against the wall. I asked her again, or something else, and she wasn't answering, just staring at me with vague concern. I decided this meant she was most likely a zombie, so I cut her head off lol. She didn't bleed so I was like ok cool.