Trying to bang Michelle

Date: 10/16/2020

By thedude

I was drinking in Chicago abs went back to Zion. I was going out to bang Michelle and was drink driving. I stores add at laundromat to try calling her and when I came back out there was a guy sitting shotgun with the door open and another guy standing there. I could tell they were trying to rob me. I kicked the standing one square in the nuts. As he was walking up to talk. Then I walked to my open door and started punching the dude in my car and threw h I’m out. Then I jumped back in and took off. It was really hard to drive drunk and the streets were lined with protestors for blm. Then I drove into a mall and was motorcycling up stairs past tons of people. Idk it all started I was banging shell and idk how that adventure started. But I said bye to my family when in started so I was probably drinking at a family function.