I had a dream I was working at A restaurant at the mall, my normal job was welding but on my first day the wait staff didn’t show up so I was running th...
I had a dream I was like in a mall after hours and maybe fell asleep in the store or something. And apparently the way out was under the sphinx. On my w...
I had a dream I was driving with pony and Cody I think, he was drunk for sure and it was very late almost morning. There was a car behind me running f...
I had a dream I was presumably in like a hospital but it felt more like a big hotel lobby. I don’t think I was injured or anything, there was like some ...
There was a blood drive. And we were somewhere near downtown with decently tall buildings, me madre and padre were walking through this parking garage a...
Jamie has come over and wanted to snuggle which leads to other things. Then I was outside in the cold with padre trying to survive but we got hungry so ...
We had a summer party and instead of enjoying it my mom was making everyone help move a big ass shed in the yard
I had a dream i was on a cruise ship but also at a mall, there was a big arcade and it was pretty full of people. I was playing a weird Pokémon game and...
I was at zbths and someone stole my dirtbike, I managed to chase them down and beat them up.
Had a dream your cops showed up after stressed me. Had a second dream About something but I forgot it well typing fhe first
I had an apocalypse type dream it was cold out and for some reason we were debating on how to take out some train cars, if it was or wasn’t a good idea ...
I was at a party with Jamie’s and she introduced me to this chick who rode bikes and when I looked her up it was wild doing jumps on and off roofs and t...
I had a dream I drove or fell asleep off the road through a brushy forest then through a parking lot. I was on the highway with the cruise control on. I...
Was at a bar or concert as a tiny venue, someone like Taylor swifts was playing, I think we had stayed to see Cody as most of the people were gone. Pony...
Had a dream I was working retail at a Walmart style store. Someone brought a gun and was threatening other customers. There was a random stains on the b...
Backcountry snowboarding, glamping in a cabin. Walking back up the slopes
L I had a dream we went to play greenshire and it was overrun with black people acting a fool.
Had a dream we left a bunch of stuff at the old house when we moved. There was video games and my closet had some fancy clothes.
I had a dream a random guy was starting shit with Jamie. I offer to fight him after. Before that one or two of Jamie’s friends wanted to keep drinking...
I had a dream pony and I were doing a survival challenge so we were hand fishing to see who was better. I lost my book before throwing a line in so I wa...
I had a dream a bunch of people kept breaking into the fancy farm house. We were rounding them up and holding them until police showed up.
Had a dream I was in a basement and they had a water filter system setup. Then I was looking at getting a second backhoe. Then I was driving a trailer d...
I had a dream I was at a dream farm house, the crop field next to it lit on fire. It was getting close to the house so I ran in and checked that nothing...
Crazy dream I woke up with no beard and I was so confused I either blacked out or did it myself. Came to find out I had traveled like 10 years back in t...
Had a dream I worked in an office. Clients and the boss were complaining. I went outside to grill and Bert was hiding from his dad. My boss apparently. ...
Practicing wheelies on a mountain bike. Then I was lucid for a bit.
Had a dream I was staying at a massage parlor in the mall overnight. Jamie was there not so were a few extra ladies so I tried hitting them too.
I had a dream I was at 29th and saw a ufo being chased by jets. My Phone was out of store age so I was trying to borrow pony and Allie’s phone. The on...
I had a very intricate dream where I was setting up electric at a new spot. It a was like a camp, only they made you paratrooper in. It was winter and ...
I had a dream I was at a hotel and was going exploring for like a month, somehow it ended up taking like 35 days. And some how this little John boat had...
I had a dream I got a leg tattoo and then we went bar hopping. Then we went to a forest preserve and accidentally or somehow some dude died suspiciousl...
I had a dream i was back in school and talking to r willy.
I had a dream I went to happy land and it took so long to get fish I left lol
I had a dream I was on a cruise ship or maybe a hotel.
I had a dream I looked out the big bay window at 29th. And there was a dark ufo disk right in the middle of the sky. I managed to burst like 20 pics be...
I had a dream I met Bert Kreisler. It was some sort of meet and greet. I told him he could come out to the farm for content if he needed it. Dream vers...
I had a dream there was a training / jiujitsu event at bpms. I left my clothes on the bleachers instead of in the locker room so they gym teacher took t...
I had a dream we were doing a backyard standup show
Had a dream I was kicking it with chase sexton we were going to ride the big track. Then some of us were hanging with Tim Dillon.
Had a dream my parents got a really fancy house with a bowling alley. W we had like 10 people over and were partying
Had a dream I was hanging with Caitlin Lowe’s, she had one of those wild rainbow shrimps. We were messing around playing some music. After that I was on...
I was staying at a large hotel and went room to room trying to fuck, all the hot babes. I told them I’d pay extra if they did what I wanted. Some rooms ...
I had a dream my parents broke up and my dad moved back into our old house on Chaney. Then I was at a sporting goods store and had no pants just boxers....
Had a dream about a crazy puzzle that was left in a house, and a friend moved in and started solving it. There was some sort of drug we had to take to s...
I was in a grocery store shopping and I bumped into someone and went through them like a ghost. I was trying to get some chocolate milk. Once I realized...
Had a dream I was hanging with Hugh Hefner and he offered me a mystery pill I asked what it was and Then we discussed drugs for a while. And how you sho...
I was at a big party, mostly outdoors. And bumped into ducky. I asked her if she remembered hooking up last time and she’s said yeah. I asked her to rat...
Weird dream I was being questioned and they were giving me pills. The first chick was kinda cute and while asking questions wanted to see/exam my dick. ...
I was at a party and there was going to be an epic scavenger/treasure hunt. At first everyone was jamming out outside. Most of us ended up wet I don’t r...
I had a dream I doing Stand up and I went out but never got to say any jokes. Some one famous started singing. After that I was part of a heist
I had a dream we met some chicks at my old house. The neighbors across the street weren’t home so we stayed at their place. But they came home in the mo...
I had a dream, we were wandering around and came across a house. Nobody was home so we went inside and made it to the final bedroom. I found a gun, and ...
I had a dream and some people were shooting an Indy film. But they had no real idea what they were doing. So I started talking with them and offering to...
I was in essentially a really fancy hotel, and the elevators were crazy. They were single person and worked similar to an escalator where you stand on t...
I had a dream that I was working at dunkin, it was kind of slow so they sent me home early
Tyler had a tiny baby girl getting pushed around in a stroller. Has another dream about going into a boy/girl locker room and then into a movie theate...
I was at like a week long school/ all paid for trip. You would go to 2 classes during the day and be free to do whatever with your night. The first clas...
I had a dream I was working in a retail store, Kinda like an ace hardware. I was opening the store but I didn’t know how to login to the checkout or any...
I had a dream that I was somewhere tropical on vacation. The first item on the list was like this mini pontoon tour. They had a waterfall with an anaco...
I had a dream that me and nick were in a trading card shop, I bought a charizard for 20 bucks. And there was also this Karen who was yelling at me for l...
I had a dream that I had a hot violin teacher but I was really bad and breaking strings And she wasn’t happy about replacing them and re tuning.
I had a dream that I went to a house party and it was kinda lame. Then we started playing like real life call off duty and the “enemy” would charge in t...
Had a dream we we’re moving next door. The house was kinda dirty and janky but it had 3 garages. Really two plus a ghetto one built in front of one of t...
I had a dream that pony and I borrowed / commandeered a pirate ship that was on display.
I had a dream that the “perfect” fancy farm house had to be excavated all around because they found a body, they broke the water lines and water was goi...
I was at like an 8th grade reunion, and was trying to pick up this chick. When it ended I was shooting the shit with some old homies and we went behind ...
I had a dream that I was hanging with Humphrey and she said all of her science students were dropping . So I offered to go back to school and be one. Sh...
I was driving a Lamborghini and parked in a lot. Apparently in an electrical vehicle only spot, when I got back there was a ticket. So then I was drivin...
I had a dream that that I fought someone at Papa john’s . He grabbed my balls so I had to stomp him out. Then I was fighting some of his crew and they a...
I had a dream last night I was in a mall, like a mix of old gurnee mills, the mall here, and some parts completely new. Trying to pick up chicks lol; an...
I had a dream that Greg and I were doing something sketch. And leaving the computer open, we were playing some game with Facebook people
I had a dream that we rehabbed the fort in the neighborhood to be kinda nice and then we put a bed in it and were stealing power from the neighbor
I had a dream i was at some sort of event, we were playing as the band. It was like a college thing, Olivia was there along with some others. And one ch...
I had a dream that I was at some sort of school reunion April, was there and We kind of hit it off. And were talking about the good times and making o...
BMX and skateboard shredding the mall, found some cool lines and then got food
I had a dream that I was at zbths and someone took my shoes so I was looking around trying to find them
I had A dream that we were starting in a hotel like air bnb. There was some sort of race or run and I had these two girls I was cheering for. Prior to ...
I had a dream I was at some sort of event, they had a partial open bar so I was getting drunk. When the bar closed I rolled up a fatty and found a group...
Had a dream I woke up in someone else’s body lol. And apparently dude was an older gay dude, and I hit on this hot young chick and everyone was offended...
Waiting in a long group to use the Elevator, then this lady at the restaurant gave us all $50 gift cards
- hotel wedding part with the fam - I was late, ceremony was quick everyone was worrying about food - dude was repairing the pool at The hotel it was d...
I had a dream that I was looking for artifacts in this ancient temple, I pickaxed the stone and it was underneath
I was up north going shopping and visiting, might have been in jail before that
Had a dream that I had met this chick I think her name might have been mollie, she hung with Miranda and what’s her face. She was pulling her tits out a...
Had a dream about some sort of school orientation w we all in a cafeteria. They started asking questions like who’s a d or f student. And then who gets ...
Had a dream I was at an event/party yesterday south extended family and also some babes. They eventually got drunk and knocked out in the couch, so I th...
Had a gout toe wake me up like 15 before my alarm.
Hiding from the fuzz and trespassing at a car lot, also hooked to see some old monuments but it was much easier to just drive to the lookout then hike
Had a dream about a high school reunion
Went to a headphone party and they started a mosh pit
Dude cut me off while driving. Ended up idling down the oncoming shoulder and then turned. This dick head cop arrested me. At the booking place was a ca...
I had a dream that I was in Japan and I pulled out a loose tooth and like half a molar. I was walking around showing my missing teeth to people and walk...
I had a dream that they were assembling a unit to fight in a war and I somehow got drafted it was all young people. Before that I had a dream I starte...
Had a dream a hostile attack was in place. I was running from enemy forces overtaking the island.
Had a dream there was a secret door that took you down some wild stairs and into a warehouse that was full of wood and had the sketchiest storage racks....
Had a dream I was trying to solve a puzzle before anyone else. I opened up this lock box and it was full of keys for the next door but I never found the...
Playing counter strike and hanging out at school taking about guns and hat we were bringing in tommorror morning for shooting day
Had a dream I was sitting in a neighborhood and made the poop a wheelie motion at this older dude on a street bike and he popped like a 4” wheelie. Then...
Had a dream the world was ending so everyone was partying
Had a dream I was going on a school trip to France. I was running late and missed my flight so I couldn’t go and I was pissed